Board Meetings
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Hazoor Multi Projects Ltd.
BSE CODE: 532467   |   NSE CODE: NA   |   ISIN CODE : INE550F01031   |   27-Sep-2024 14:46 Hrs IST
Rs. 578.00
-12.55 ( -2.13% )
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Source DateBoard Meeting DateDetails
10-Sep-2024 16-Sep-2024 Scheme of Arrangement
05-Aug-2024 12-Aug-2024 Quarterly Results & Interim Dividend
19-Jul-2024 26-Jul-2024 Stock Split & Inter alia, to transact following major businesses: 1. To recommend the re-appointment of M/s. VMRS & Co., Chartered Accountants as a Statutory Auditor of the Company. 2. To recommend the reappointment of Mr. Harsh Harish Sharma (DIN: 08798790) as an Independent Director of the Company w.e.f. from 30th July, 2025 for a second term of five years. 3. To consider addition/alteration/modification in object clause of Memorandum of Association of the Company. 4. To consider the sub-division/spilt of the Equity shares of the Company. 5. To approve the alteration in Capital clause V of the Memorandum of Association of the Company. 6. To consider and approve the Directors Report for the year ended March 31, 2024. 7. To fix date, time and venue of 32nd Annual General Meeting of the Company and approve the draft notice of AGM. 8. To consider and decide book closure date and cutoff date for e-voting purpose. 9. Others
22-May-2024 29-May-2024 Audited Results
08-Apr-2024 12-Apr-2024 Inter alia, to consider and approve :- 1. To increase the Authorized Share Capital of the Company and consequent alteration in Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, if any; 2. To consider addition/alteration/modification in object clause of Memorandum of Association of the Company; 3. Proposal for further raising of funds, for company?s growing business needs, by way of issue of Equity Shares, Warrants, other securities, convertible instruments through Preferential Issue, Private Placement, Qualified Institutional Placement, Rights Issue, or such other permissible method as may be decided by the Board, or any combination thereof, and to approve ancillary actions for the above-mentioned fund raising, subject to such statutory/regulatory approvals as may be necessary; 4. To seek members? approval wherever applicable by means of passing the requisite resolution(s) for the above-said board decisions and other matters connected therewith and/or incidental thereto; and 5.To constitute Risk Management Committee
07-Feb-2024 14-Feb-2024 Quarterly Results
01-Dec-2023 06-Dec-2023 Inter alia, to transact following major businesses: 1. In view of considering new business opportunities, accelerate growth further and to augment the financial resources of the Company, a proposal for fund raising, by way of issue of securities, convertible instruments, or any other method or combination thereof through permissible modes, for cash or otherwise, and to appoint requisite intermediaries required for this purpose; 2. To seek members? approval wherever applicable by means of passing the requisite resolution(s) for the above-said board decisions and other matters connected therewith and/or incidental thereto.
31-Oct-2023 10-Nov-2023 Quarterly Results
18-Aug-2023 25-Aug-2023 A.G.M. & Inter alia, to transact following major businesses: 1. To consider and approve the appoiniment of Ms. Pratima Prem Mohan Srivastava (DIN: 01192980) as an Additional Independent Director. 2. To consider resignation of Mr. Raviprakash Narayan Vyas (DIN: 07893486) from the post of Non- Executive Independent director of the Company and Committee position thereof. His Resignation letter is attached herewith. Further brief profile and other details are enclosed in Annexure I. 3. To reconstitute Audit Committee of the Company. 4. To reconstitute Nomination & Remuneration Committee of the Company. 5. To reconstitute Stakeholder Relationship Committee of the Company. 6. To recommend Increase in remuneration of Mr. Pawankumar Nathmal Mallawat, Executive Director of the Company. 7. To recommend the reappoint of Mr. Dineshkumar Laxminarayan Agrawal (DIN: 05259502) as an Executive Director of the Company. 8. To consider and approve Limits of Loans, investments or guarantees given by The Company under Section 186 of Companies Act, 2013. 9. To consider and approve give Loans and Advances under Section 185 of the Companies, Act, 2013. 10. To consider and approve the Directors Report for the year ended March 31, 2023. 11. To fix date, time and venue of 315 Annual General Meeting of the Company and approve the Draft notice of AGM. 12. To consider and decide Book closure date and cutoff date for voting purpose. 13. To appoint Scrutinizer PCS Ranjit Binod Kejriwal of the Company for the purpose of voting inAGM.
03-Aug-2023 09-Aug-2023 Quarterly Results & Interim Dividend
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