DIRECTORS' REPORT To, The Members, Your Directors presents their 21 st Annual Report on the business and operations of the Company and the accounts for the Financial Year ended 31 st March, 2016. STATE OF COMPANY'S AFFAIRS: Your Company is in the business of sales and service of Thermal Overload Protector. It has a worldwide network, single sales office, a warehouse and a workforce of over 30 people that sell a single product to about 30 customers in India and Abroad. DIVIDEND AND BOOK CLOSURE The Board of Directors does not recommend dividend on equity shares for the current financial year. The register of members and share transfer books will remain close from 10th July, 2016 to 19th July, 2016 (both days inclusive) for the 21 st Annual General Meeting of the Company scheduled to be convened on 20th July, 2016 at Poush Krishna Gardens, Maljipada, Opp. Crown Petrol Pump, Ahmadabad Highway, Taluka Vasai (East) Dist. Thane - 401 210. Reserves & Surplus As at 31st March, 2016 Reserves and Surplus amounted to Rs. 107.04 lacs as compared to Rs. 94.06 lacs of previous year. Long Term Borrowings There has been a no change in the Long Term Borrowings as Rs.0.00 in the current financial year as compared to Rs.0.00 lacs during the previous year. Short Term Borrowings The Short Term Borrowings have also decreased to Rs.0.00 lacs in the year under review as compared to Rs. 32.95 lacs in the previous year. Fixed Asset Net Fixed Assets as at 31 st March, 2016 has decreased to Rs. 197.14 lacs as compared to Rs. 199.93 lacs in the previous year. Investments The Company has not made any investment in the current period under review. SHARES CAPITAL During the year there is no change in share capital of the Company. MEETINGS BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Board normally meets once in a quarter and additional meetings are held as and when required. During the year, the Board of Directors met 4 times i.e. on 28th May, 2015,13th August, 2015,10th November, 2015 and 11th February, 2016. The dates of Board Meetings were generally decided in advance with adequate notice to all Board Members. APPOINTMENT / RESIGNATION OF DIRECTORS (SECTION 168(1)) AND KEY MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL (KMP): During the year: Mr. Amit Thakkar is retiring by rotation and being eligible offers himself for reappointment. INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS Pursuant to Section 149(7) of the Companies Act, 2013, the Company has received declarations from Mr. Pradip C. Gaglani, Mr. Kanaiyalal S. Thakker, Mr. Haresh S. Thakker, and Mrs. Keta R. Poojara Independent Directors confirming that they meet the criteria of independence as specified in Section 149(6) of the Act. POLICY ON DIRECTOR'S APPOINTMENT AND REMUNERATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 178(3) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 2013. The Board of Directors of your Company in consultation with Nomination and Remuneration Committee had formulated and adopted Code for Independent Directors and which contains policy on director's appointment and remuneration including criteria for determining qualification, positive attributes and independence of directors. Board of Directors of the Company duly consider appointment of the Directors in adherence with the policy prescribed under the code of independent directors and provisions of section 178(3) of the Companies Act, 2013. AUDIT COMMITTEE The Company has an Independent Audit Committee comprising of 5, (Four) Independent Directors and 1 (one) Executive Director. Mr. Pradip C. Gaglani, Mr. Kanaiyalal S. Thakker, Mr. Haresh S. Thakker, Mrs. Keta R. Poojara and Mr. Navin Thakkar, Managing Director of the Company are Members of the Committee. All the members of the Audit Committee are financially literate. In view of their professional qualification and experience in finance, all are considered to have financial management and accounting related expertise. Terms of reference of the Audit committee are elaborated in the Corporate Governance report which forms the part of this Annual Report. EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE OF BOARD During the year a separate Meeting of Independent Directors of the Company was held on 28th March, 2016, which was attended by all the Independent Directors to discuss and review the self-assessment of Directors, Board and Committees thereof and also assess the quality, content and timeliness of flow of information between the Management and the Board. DIRECTORS RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT: The Board of Directors confirms that: (a) in the preparation of the annual accounts for the financial year ended 31 st March, 2016, the applicable accounting standards had been followed along with proper explanation relating to material departures; (b) the directors had selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company at the end of the financial year and of the profit and loss of the company for that period; (c) the directors had taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of this Act for safeguarding the assets of the company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities; (d) the directors had prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis; and (e) the directors, in the case of a listed company, had laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the company and that such internal financial controls are adequate and were operating effectively. (f) the directors had devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and operating CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: The Company is committed to maintain the highest standards of Corporate Governance and adhere to the Corporate Governance requirements set out by SEBI. The Company has implemented several best Corporate Governance Practices as prevalent globally. In compliance with Regulation 17 to 27 of the Securities and Exchange Board Of India (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 entered into with the Stock Exchanges, a Report on the Corporate Governance, along with the certificate from the Statutory Auditors of the Company on compliance with the provisions of the said Clause is annexed and forms part of the Annual Report. LOANS MADE, GUARANTEES GIVEN OR INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES BY THE COMPANY. Particulars of loans made, guarantees given or investments in securities by the Company are provided in the Note 13 of notes to the Financial Statements. PARTICULARS OF CONTRACT OR ARRANGEMENTS WITH RELATED PARTIES IN A PRESCRIBED FORM ALONGWITH THE JUSTIFICATION FOR ENTERING INTO SUCH CONTRACT OR ARRANGEMENT. During the year there was no related party transactions of material nature that may have a potential conflict with interests of the Company, all transactions with related parties were in the normal course of business. On recommendation of Audit Committee the Board ratifies all the related party transactions on quarterly basis. The details of the transaction is annexed herewith as' Annexure-1' in the prescribed form AOC-2 CONSERVATION OF ENERGY, TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE EARN INGS AND OUTGO Energy conservation dictates how efficiently a company can conduct its operations. CCL has recognized the importance of energy conservation in decreasing the deleterious effects of global wanning and climate change. The Company has undertaken various energy efficient practices that have reduced the growth in carbon di-oxide (C02) emissions and strengthened the Company's commitment towards becoming an environment friendly organisation. A dedicated 'Energy Cell' is focusing on energy management and closely monitor energy consumption pattern across all manufacturing sites. Periodic energy audits are conducted to improve energy performance and benchmark with other international refineries and petrochemicals sites CCL Focuses on (i) new products, processes and catalyst development to support existing business and create breakthrough technologies for new businesses (ii) advanced trouble shooting, and (iii) support to capital projects, and profit and reliability improvements in manufacturing plants. CCL has only Domestic Clients, Hence Company's Export Earning and outgoing is NIL MATERIAL CHANGES AND COMMITMENTS There were no material changes and commitments has been done my management affecting the financial position of the Company between the end of the financial year of the company to which the financial statements relates and the date of the report. EXTRACT OF ANNUAL RETURN Extract of Annual Return of the Company is annexed herewith as Annexure II to this Report. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY The Company is not required to constitute a Corporate Social Responsibility Committee as it does not fall within purview of Section 135(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and hence it is not required to formulate policy on corporate social responsibility. VIGIL MECHANISM FOR DIRECTORS AND EMPLOYEES (SECTION 177(10)) The Board of directors of the Company believes in conducting all its affairs in a fair and transparent manner, by adopting highest standards of professionalism, honesty, integrity and ethical behaviour. The directors are committed to comply with the laws and regulations to which it is subject. For this, it has put in place systems, policies and procedures to interpret and apply these laws and regulations in the organizational environment. In consonance with the object of transparency and good governance, the board of directors of the company formulated and adopted "Whistle Blower Policy and Vigil Mechanism The organization's internal controls and operating procedures are intended to detect and prevent improper activities. In this regard, the Company believes in developing a culture where it is safe for all the Directors/Employees to raise concerns about any poor or unacceptable practice and any event of misconduct. These help to strengthen and promote ethical practices and ethical treatment of all those who work in and with the organization. The main objective of this Policy is to provide a platform to Directors and Employees to raise concerns regarding any irregularity, misconduct or unethical matters / dealings within the group which have a negative bearing on the organisation either financially or otherwise. RATIO OF THE REMUNERATION OF EACH DIRECTOR TO THE MEDIAN EMPLOYEES REMUNERATION (SECTION 197(12)) Details pertaining to remuneration as required under section 197( 12) of the Companies act, 2013 read with rule 5( 1) of the companies (appointment and Remuneration of managerial personnel) rules, 2014 are provided in' Annexure-IIT to the Board's Report. MANAGERIAL REMUNERATION AND RELATED DISCLOSURES Disclosures pertaining to remuneration to directors and other details as required under Section 197( 12) of the Act read with Rule 5( 1) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 are provided in the Annual Report. Pertaining to the provisions of Section 197(12) of the Act read with Rules 5(2) and 5(3) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, the board of directors do hereby declare that: (i) No any employee throughout the financial year, was in receipt of remuneration for that year which, in the aggregate, was not less than sixty lakh rupees; (ii) No any employee for a part of the financial year, was in receipt of remuneration for any part of that year, at a rate which, in the aggregate, was not less than five lakh rupees per month; (iii) No any employee throughout the financial year or part thereof, was in receipt of remuneration in that year which, in the aggregate, or as the case may be, at a rate which, in the aggregate, is in excess of that drawn by the managing director or whole-time director or manager and holds by himself or along with his spouse and dependent children, not less than two percent of the equity shares of the company. SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES The Company has no subsidiary companies and hence company does not need to make disclosure of contracts or arrangements or transactions not at arm's length basis. MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS REPORT Management's Discussion and Analysis Report for the year under review, as stipulated under Regulation 34 (3) and 53 (t) of the Securities and Exchange Board Of India (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 with the Stock Exchanges in India, is presented in a separate section forming part of the Annual Report. SECRETARIALAUDIT Pursuant to Section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules, amendments made there under, Mr. Shravan A Gupta, Practising Company Secretary was appointed to conduct the secretarial audit of our company for FY 2015-16. The Secretarial Audit report is given separately under Annexure IV. There are no qualifications or observations or other remarks made by the Secretarial Auditor on the audit conducted by him in his Report. STATUTORY AUDITOR The Auditors, M/s D. Kothary & Co, Chartered Accountants, having registration number FRN No. 105335W were appointed as Statutory Auditors of your Company at the 19th Annual General Meeting held on September 30,2014 for a term of three consecutive years. As per the provisions of Section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013, the appointment of Auditors is required to be ratified by Members at every Annual General Meeting. The Report given by the Auditors on the financial statements of the Company is part of the Annual Report. There has been no qualification, reservation, adverse remark or disclaimer given by the Auditors in their Report. HUMAN RESOURCES Company considers its employees as most valuable resource and ensures strategic alignment of Human Resource practices to business priorities and objectives. The Company has a dedicated team of employees at various locations across our corporate office and branch offices (including Subsidiary companies) spread across the country. The Company strives to inculcate the culture where its employees are motivated and their performance is aligned with values. Company has achieved this present level of excellence through the commitment and dedication exhibited by its employees. The focus on improving productivity and adoption of best practices in every area are being pursued relentlessly. Efforts for active participation, nurturing creativity and innovation and ensuring a climate of synergy and enthusiasm have been at the core of Human Resource initiatives and interventions. INTERNAL FINANCIAL CONTROLS WITH REFERENCE TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. Your Company has adequate internal financial control and adopted Internal Financial Control Policy in order to maintain confidentiality of price sensitive information and internal financial control. RISK MANAGEMENT The Company has mechanisms to inform the Board Members about the risk assessment and minimization procedures and periodical review to ensure that executive management controls risk through means of a properly identified framework. Risk management is an ongoing process and the Audit Committee will periodically review risk mitigation measures. The Board of Directors has not constituted a Risk Management Committee as is not mandatory to the company vide circular bearing number CIR/CFD/POLICY CELL/7/2014 issued by SEBI dated September 15,2014. The Board of Directors of the Company and the Audit Committee shall periodically review and evaluate the risk management system of the Company so that the management controls the risks through properly defined network. Head of Departments shall be responsible for implementation of the risk management system as may be applicable to their respective areas of functioning and report to the Board and Audit Committee. SIGNIFICANT AND MATERIAL ORDERS PASSED BY THE REGULATORS OR COURTS OR TRIBUNALS IMPACTING THE GOING CONCERN STATUS AND COMPANY'S OPERATIONS INFUTURE There were no significant and material orders passed by the regulators and/or courts or tribunals during the year. POLICY FOR SEXUAL HARRASMENT The Company has always been committed to provide a safe and dignified work environment for its employees which is free of discrimination, intimidation and abuse. The Company has adopted a Policy for Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace under the provisions of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 ("Act"). The objective of this policy is to provide protection againstsexual harassment of women at workplace and for redressal of complaints of any such harassment. The Company has also constituted an Internal Complaints Committee to redress the complaints received under this policy. The following is a summary of sexual harassment complaints received and disposed-off during the year under review: - No of complaints received: Nil - No of complaints disposed-off: NA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Your Directors take this opportunity to thank all investors, clients, vendors, banks, regulatory, Government authorities and Stock Exchanges for their continued support and cooperation. The Directors also wish to place on record their appreciation of the contribution made by the business partners / associates at all levels. By Order of the Board Sd/- Navin G. Thakkar Chairman & Managing Director (DIN : 00251210) Date : 30th May; 2016 Place : Mumbai Registered Office: Gala No. 202, Krishna House, ShaileshUdhyog Nagar, Opp. Nicholas Garage, Sativali Road, Waliv, Vasai (East), Dist. Thane- 401208. |