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Engineers India Ltd.
BSE CODE: 532178   |   NSE CODE: ENGINERSIN   |   ISIN CODE : INE510A01028   |   16-Jul-2024 15:50 Hrs IST
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March 2015



Your Directors have great pleasure in presenting the 50th Annual Report for the financial year ended 31st March, 2015 along with Audited Statement of Accounts, the Auditors' Report and Review of the Accounts by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

2014-15 in Retrospect

Your Company sustained its good performance during FY 2014-15. The key highlights of the financial performance of the Company for the year, as stated in the audited financial statement, along with the corresponding performance for the year are as under


The Board of Directors of the Company has recommended a final dividend of Rs.2/- per share (of face value of Rs.5/- per share) for the financial year 2014-15, in addition to Rs.3/- per share interim dividend already paid during the year. With this, the total dividend for the financial year 2014-15 works out to Rs.5/- per share amounting to Rs.16846.83 lacs excluding dividend distribution tax. The payment of final dividend is, however, subject to approval of the shareholders in the ensuing Annual General Meeting of the Company which shall be paid to the Members whose names appear in the Register of Members as well as beneficial ownership position provided by NSDL/ CDSL as on 18th August, 2015.

Investor Relations

EIL is constantly striving to improve its relations with all stakeholders and build a long term, healthy relationship based on trust and transparency. The Company treats all stakeholders at par and maintains disclosure and transparency in sharing information on financial performance, business outlook and strategic developments. Your Company is equally committed to strict compliance to disclosure and government norms as per applicable rules and guidelines and maintains an impartial treatment with all its stakeholders. Your Company aims to achieve this by fulfilling its responsibilities to shareholders through fair disclosure of information and bilateral communication.

EIL is committed to sharing information with shareholders, investors, financial analysts, press and other stakeholders. The Management and Investor Relations (IR) Cell regularly engage in communication with Investors and Analysts through One-on-One meetings, conference calls, conference participation and road shows, if required, as well as actively organizing and participating in investor events, such as Annual General Meetings, Press Conferences and Analyst Conferences. The IR team utilizes various communication channels and materials including presentations, press releases, financial fact sheets, business outlook and strategic developments for disseminating pertinent and timely information.

Management Discussion & Analysis

A separate report on Management Discussion and Analysis is annexed to this Report.

Consultancy Assignments (Domestic) Offshore Oil and Gas

During the year, EIL continued to make considerable progress in Offshore Oil & Gas and LNG sectors in India and overseas.

The following consultancy assignments were successfully completed in Offshore Oil & Gas during the year:

• Project Management Consultancy (PMC) services for Well-head, Process-cum-Living Quarters Platform and Submarine Pipelines of Deen Dayal Field Development Project of Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation Limited (GSPC) at Mallavaram, Andhra Pradesh.

• Re-qualification and Re-certification of 50 offshore jackets for ONGC.

• Front End Engineering Design (FEED) for Marine Works, Storage Tanks and Re-gasification Terminal for Pertonet LNG Limited's 5 MMTPA Gangavaram LNG Terminal.

During the year, EIL secured the following orders against stiff competition and implementation has taken off in right earnest:

• Remedial measures for ONGC's 42" SBHT Pipeline at Umharat sea beach.

• FEED for Marine Works, Storage Tanks and Re-gasification Terminal for LNG Terminal at Chhara of HPCL Shapoorji Energy Limited (joint venture project of HPCL and Shapoorji Energy Limited).

Additionally, the following Offshore Oil & Gas projects are currently under execution:

• Pre-award activities for ONGC's Water Injection South (WIS) platform.

• PMC for Dahej Expansion Ph-III A Project of Petronet LNG Limited.

• Revamping of Unmanned platforms (50 nos.) Phase-II of ONGC.

• Consultancy services for post award activities for ONGC's BPA-BPB revamp project.

Onshore Oil & Gas

EIL is providing PMC services for Cairn's Associated Facilities Project at Mangala Processing Terminal (MPT) comprising Storage Tanks and Export System, Power Generation & Distribution system and integrated balance works.


EIL has a significant track record in design and execution of cross- country pipelines for transportation of crude oil, refined petroleum products, natural gas and LPG. The following assignments have been successfully completed during the year:

• Detailed Feasibility Report (DFR) for 1400 km Dhamra-Numaligarh Crude Oil Pipeline for Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL).

• DFR for 672 km Capacity Augmentation of Vijaipur-Auriya- Phulpur Gas Pipeline for GAIL (India) Limited.

• DFR for 1850 km Phulpur-Haldia Gas Pipeline including spurlines for GAIL.

• Supply of gas through spurlines to Hubbali/ Dharwar twin cities for GAIL.

• 10” x 26 km LPG Onshore/Offshore Pipeline from Mumbai

Refineries of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL)/ Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) to Uran for BPCL. • 24” HDD Ganga River crossing for GAIL. The following major pipeline projects are in progress:

• 12”/ 8” x 450 km Kochi-Coimbatore –Erode-Salem LPG Pipeline for BPCL.

• 18” x 45 km Re-routing of Mumbai-Manmad Pipeline for BPCL.

• 24”/ 18”/ 8”/ 4” x 243 km Replacement of KG Basin Pipeline.

• 36” x 860 km Mehsana-Bathinda Pipeline along with 24”/ 18”/ 16”/ 8” x 726 km spurlines for GSPL India Gasnet Limited (GIGL).

• 36”/30”/24” x 1428 km Mallavaram-Bhopal-Bhilwara-Vijaipur Pipeline along with 30”/ 24”/ 18” x 477 km spurlines for GSPL India Transco Limited (GITL).

• 12” x 100 km Hazira-Dahej Naphtha Pipeline for ONGC.

• 18”/ 16” x 275 km Natural Gas Pipeline from Vijaipur to Kota and Spurline to Chittorgarh for GAIL.

• 36” HDD Satluj river crossing and 18” HDD Yamuna river crossing for GAIL.

• 8” HDD Narmada river crossing for ONGC.

• 16” HDD Saloni river crossing for GAIL.

• Upgradation of pumping stations for Naharkatiya-Barauni Crude Oil Pipeline of Oil India Limited (OIL).  

Petroleum Refining 

During the year, the Company achieved significant progress on the following major petroleum refinery projects:

• The Integrated Refinery Expansion Project of BPCL Kochi Refinery aims to increase refining capacity from the current 9.5 MMTPA to 15.5 MMTPA and comprises process units viz., CDU/VDU, DHDT, VGO-HDT, Petro FCC, DCU, associated utilities including CPP, Offsite facilities and revamping of existing Naphtha Hydro-Desulphurization and Semi-Regenerative Reformer units. Engineering activities for the project have been completed while the construction activities are progressing in full swing.

• EIL is providing EPCM services for the CDU-4 project of BPCL Mumbai Refinery. Designed for a capacity of 6 MMTPA, the new grass root facilities will replace the ageing CDU-1 and CDU-2 Units. The project is in advanced stage of implementation and the pre-commissioning activities have commenced.

• PMC services for the installation of a new Diesel Hydrotreater unit (2.4 MMTPA) and Associated Facilities at BPCL Mumbai Refinery commenced during the year. Procurement of critical Long Lead Items (LLIs) has been initiated.

• EPCM services for conversion of CRU to ISOM and revamp of NHDS to NHT at BPCL Mumbai Refinery commenced during the year to maximize Isomerate yield and Octane Number and produce special products like Food Grade Hexane. Detailed engineering and procurement of LLIs are under progress.

• A Tail Gas Treating Unit using indigenous technology developed by EIL R&D is being installed in the existing Sulphur Recovery Unit of HPCL Vizag Refinery to achieve an overall sulphur recovery of 99.9%. Detailed engineering and all procurement activities for the project have been completed.

• The CCU Reactor Replacement Project at BPCL Mumbai Refinery was successfully commissioned during the year.

• Basic design services for Low Cost Debottlenecking of BORL, Bina have commenced. This will augment the refinery capacity from 6 MMTPA to 7.5 MMTPA. Finalization of Licensors is under progress.

• PMC services for implementation of 366 MW Captive Power Plant of lOCL's 15 MMTPA Paradip Refinery Project. Commissioning activities are progressing in full swing.

• Under Phase-Ill Refinery Expansion Project, the capacity of Mangalore Refinery of MRPL has been increased to 15 MMTPA by adding a new CDU/VDU of 3 MMTPA and associated facilities. The Project has been implemented on hybrid mode of PMC-LSTK, OBE and EPCM. All process units and associated utilities have been completed.

• Wax Project of Numaligarh Refinery Limited was successfully commissioned during the year achieving the design product quality. The project was based on inhouse Dewaxing/Deoiling technology developed jointly by EIL & IIP.

• Procurement and construction activities are in progress for EPCM Services of New Coke Chamber and Allied Modernization Facilities of IOCL, Barauni.

• Process, detailed engineering and procurement activities are in progress for the EPCM Services contract for INDAdeptG Unit of IOCL, Guwahati. Piling work is completed and Civil & structural works are in progress.

• Pre-award activities are in progress for PMC services for Distillate Yield Improvement Project at IOCL Haldia Refinery. The Project shall be executed in hybrid mode.

• Major engineering has been completed for the Engineering Services for Augmentation of Purge Treatment Unit in IOCL Haldia Refinery.

• Major engineering has been completed for Engineering Services for Revamp of INDMAX Unit of IOCL Guwahati Refinery.


Significant progress has been made on the following petrochemical projects:

Dahej Petrochemical Complex of ONGC Petro additions Limited (OPaL) is being executed on PMC mode. The Project consists of 1100 KTA Dual Feed Ethylene Cracker, HDPE, LLDPE/ HDPE Swing Unit, PP units, Captive Power Plant and associated Utilities and Offsites. The Dual Feed Cracker, HDPE, PP and Butene units have been mechanically completed and LLDPE/HDPE Swing Unit is in advanced stage of completion. A number of utilities have been commissioned.  

• Assam Gas Cracker Project, a grass-root petrochemical project of Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited, is being executed by EIL on EPCM mode. The project comprises Gas Sweetening Unit, C2+ Separation Unit, Gas Dehydration Unit, Ethylene Cracker, LLDPE/ HDPE, PP and supporting Utilities, Offsites and Pipelines. Mechanical Completion has been achieved for the complex and pre-commissioning/commissioning activities are in progress. The availability of petrochemicals from the project will boost the development of plastic industry in the North-Eastern region of the country.  

• Petrochemical Complex-II Project at Vijaipur, Madhya Pradesh and Pata, Uttar Pradesh of GAIL is being executed on EPCM route. The Petrochemical complex consisting of Gas Sweetening and

Gas Processing units with associated Captive Power Plant and Utilities and Offsite at Vijaipur and Gas Cracker complex, GPU-II, LLDPE/HDPE (Swing unit) and Butene-1 Units at Pata have been successfully commissioned. The Plant is under stabilization.

• Engineering activities have commenced for Integrated Methanol and Acetic Acid Plant of Assam Petrochemical Limited at Namprup, Assam.

• Work on the Propylene Derivative Petrochemical Plant of BPCL Kochi Refinery comprising Acrylic Acid Unit, Oxo-Alcohol Unit and Acrylates Unit has commenced.

Strategic Storages

Dominance of fossil fuel in the energy basket of India is poised to continue. Therefore, the need for energy security has been a key imperative for Government of India. Recognizing the country's dependence on imported oil and gas resources, Government of India (Gol) is implementing the Strategic Crude Oil Storage Programme in two phases.

Under Phase-I of the Strategic Storage programme, EIL is providing PMC services to Indian Strategic Petroleum Reserves Limited (ISPRL) for construction of underground unlined rock cavern storages in Vishakhapatnam, Mangalore and Padur having a total capacity of 5.33 MMT. During the year, significant progress has been achieved and the Vishakhapatnam storage is receiving crude oil. Pre-commissioning activities are underway at Mangalore and Padur.

The feasibility studies for the Phase-ll Strategic Storage programme have been undertaken by EIL and the DPRs have been submitted to ISPRL for a capacity of 12.5 MMT planned at four selected locations.


The following key metallurgy projects/assignments were completed during the year:

• Cost Updation for Aditya and Mahan Aluminium Smelter Projects of Hindalco Industries Limited (HIL).

• Electrical Safety Audit for Hirakud Smelter of HIL.

• Installation of Fixed Long Distance Conveyor facility and Semi Mobile Crushing Plant of Nalco Mines at Damanjodi.

• Scoping Study for Mechanised Production and Evacuation of Iron Ore from Kurmitar Project of Odisha Mining Corporation Limited (OMC). Based on the study report, OMC has awarded the preparation of detailed feasibility report to EIL which is under progress.

The following Projects/Assignments are under progress:

• Appointment of Mine Developer-cum-Operator for Kapurdi and Jalipa Mines of Barmer Lignite Mining Company Limited in Rajasthan.

• Feasibility Study for revamping of Rectifier Station-I for Hirakud Smelter of HIL.


In the Infrastructure sector, EIL is providing a wide spectrum of services such as Project Management, Third Party Inspection (TPI), Quality Assurance, Independent Engineer & Lender's Engineer services, Project Appraisal and project execution services.

The following infrastructure projects were completed during the year:

• Data Centre Complexes for Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) at Manesar and Bengaluru.

• Preparation of Major Development Plan for construction of South-East Pier of Terminal Building, Tunnel Road under Runway and New Parallel Taxiway with associated facilities for Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport in Mumbai.

• Construction of Housing Blocks of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology (RGIPT), Jais, U.P.

• EIL's Green office complexes at Gurgaon and Chennai.

The following major projects were secured by the Company in the Infrastructure sector during the year:

• PMC services for Head Quarters Building of UIDAI in Delhi.

• PMC services for Inland Container Depot for Container Corporation of India Limited.

• PMC services for Air-conditioning and Lab Equipment of Chemical Laboratory Building of Delhi University.

• Extension of TPI services for Infrastructure Projects of Pune Municipal Corporation.

• TPI services for Warehouses of Maharashtra State Warehousing Corporation.


Pursuant to declaration of New Investment Policy in January, 2013 by the Government of India and its amendment in September, 2014, the Fertilizer sector in India is expected to grow in the near future. EIL is leveraging its capabilities and global network to tap significant business opportunities presented by this sector in India and Overseas. The Company has achieved considerable success in this sector.

During the year, EIL executed the Detailed Engineering assignment for M/s Indogulf Fertilizer for the revamp of Ammonia and Urea plant at Jagdishpur. Construction assistance was also provided for successful execution of revamp schemes.

As part of strategic investments in the Fertilizer sector, EIL has taken equity participation in Revival of Ramagundam Fertilizer Project along with National Fertilizer Limited and Fertilizer Corporation of India Limited. A joint venture company (M/s Ramagundam Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited) has been formed to pilot this project. Letter of Award to EIL for carrying out the execution of this project on EPCM mode has been issued.

Capitalizing on the availability of cheap feedstock at strategic overseas locations for new fertilizer projects, EIL has also bagged major projects abroad against stiff international competition.

Water and Waste Management

The following major projects/assignments were secured by the Company during the year: of pollution in River Yamuna witnessed significant progress during the year. Package-1 is ready and Packages-2 to 6 are partially ready.


The Power sector continued to be a key focus area for EIL with the Company executing projects in Nuclear, Solar & Thermal Power sectors.


• In the Nuclear power sector, EIL is carrying out major engineering works for the greenfield Nuclear Fuel Complex at Kota, Rajasthan for Nuclear Fuel Complex. During the year, engineering and procurement activities progressed, while site activities were initiated with the award of site grading tender.

• The assignment from Nuclear Recycle Board, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre for carrying out seismic evaluation for two clusters of buildings at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalpakkam and re-qualifying them for safe operation has been completed. In this project, EIL implemented a number of state-of-the-art technologies pertaining to seismic qualification for the first time which includes seismic assessment of structures based on pushover analysis and probabilistic assessment of the structures using fragility curves.


• EIL is implementing a Captive Cogeneration Power Plant for the first time on EPCM mode for BPCL Kochi. The project entails setting up of facilities for generation of 103.5 MW of power and 830 TPH of steam. During the year, the Company completed all ordering and major progress was achieved in supply and erection.

• BORL had appointed EIL as PMC for 160 TPH Utility Boiler Package. Boiler light up was achieved in a record time of 17 months and steam exported to process units.

• EIL has taken up the feasibility study for utilization of 2640 TPD Petcoke for generation of refinery steam and power for IOCL Panipat.

• Adani Enterprise Limited has entrusted EIL with a comparative study of coal to polygen and coal to power for 29 MMTPA of coal at Chhattisgarh which is under progress.


• EIL provided EPCM services for the 1x125 MW Solar Thermal Power project of Reliance Infrastructure Limited which was synchronized and commissioned during the year.

• EIL prepared Feasibility Report for setting up a Special Purpose Vehicle for implementation of large scale grid connected renewable energy projects in India for Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNG).

• Detailed Feasibility Study for installation of Solar PV systems at GAIL's petrochemical complex in Pata, U.P. is in progress.

Overseas Assignments

EIL has a significant global footprint, particularly in the Middle East and Africa, where it is executing a host of hydrocarbon and petrochemical projects for global energy majors.

During the year, the following overseas projects were completed by the Company:

• PMC services for Rehabilitation and Adaptation project of Skikda Refinery of SONATRACH, Algeria. The plant is currently under operation at full capacity of 16.5 MMTPA.

• PMC Services for EPC Phase of Habshan Acid Gas Flare Recovery project of GASCO, Abu Dhabi.

• Study for Crude Unit Tower Debottlenecking at Abu Dhabi Refinery of Takreer.

• FEED Development for installation of Flow Orifice in Raw Ethane Line to Fuel Gas System & Treater in Train 3 for GASCO, Abu Dhabi.

• Engineering Consultancy for ZAP Replacement of Corroded piping network for ADMA OPCO, Abu Dhabi.

• PMC Services for Das Temporary Accommodation EPC project of ADGAS at Das Island, Abu Dhabi.

EIL achieved substantial progress in the following projects:

• Detailed Engineering & Procurement services for Slop System Rehabilitation & Drains Upgrade at Umm Shaif Super Complex (USSC) of Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company (ADMA-OPCO).

• PMC services for EPC of Upgrade & Replacement of Substations project Phase-1 of ADGAS.

• PMC services for Pipeline projects of GASCO, Abu Dhabi.

• Licensor selection & FEED for Liwa Plastics Project (Integrated Petrochemical Complex) of Oman Refineries and Petroleum Industries Company (Orpic) atSohar, Oman have been completed during the year and the project is now nearing the tendering stage.

• EPC tenders have been issued and procurement for long lead items has been initiated for RFCC revamp and various unit improvements work at Sohar Refinery, Oman.

• FEED has been prepared for Petcoke Storage & Handling Facility at Sohar Port, near Sohar Refinery and EPC tender has been floated by client.

• FEED Package preparation is under progress for Greenfield Project of Brass Fertilizer Company Limited (BFCL)'s Greenfield Project consisting of Ammonia (2200 MTPD), Urea (3850 MTPD) and Methanol (5000 MTPD) units along with associated Utilities and Offsites including dispatch facility and Jetty at Brass Island in Nigeria.

• Preparation of Pre-Feasibility Study Report is under progress for Engineering Consultancy services for setting up an Ammonia and Urea Fertilizer complex in extreme weather conditions in Sakha Province of Russia.

• Under PMC services for Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Algiers Refinery of SONATRACH, substantial progress has been achieved on construction front.

• Advance FEED studies for Kuzey-Marmara Fixed Offshore platform and Pipelines of Turkish Petroleum Corporation, Turkey.

Major assignments secured in the overseas market include:

• Dangote Refinery and Petrochemical Project comprising a 460,000 BPSD grassroot Petroleum Refinery & 690 KTPA Petrochemical Complex at Lekki Free Trade Zone, Nigeria for Dangote Oil Refining Company. The major process units in Refinery include Crude Distillation Unit (CDU), a Residue Fluid Catalytic Cracking unit, MS Block, a Mild Hydrocracker unit, Alkylation and Sulphuric Acid Regeneration Unit, Product Treatment units, Polypropylene Unit, Sulphur block and associated Utilities generation & Offsite facilities. The Project facilities include Crude oil receipt & storage including two SPMs with associated offshore/onshore pipelines. The product dispatch facilities include product disposal through road as well as ships. Dispatch of products comprise pumping facility, onshore & offshore pipeline as well as three SPMs. EIL is providing Basic Design, Engineering and Project Management services for this prestigious project.

• PMC for Liwa Plastics Project of Orpic, Oman.

• PMC for RFCC unit revamp and other improvement works at Sohar Refinery for Orpic, Oman.

• PMC for Preparation of FEED & award of EPC Contract for Petcoke Storage & Handling facility at Sohar Port for Orpic, Oman.

• PMC Services for Ammonia, Urea & Methanol Project for Brass Fertilizer, Nigeria.

Turnkey Projects

EIL is executing a number of turnkey projects either on LSTK mode or on the 'Open Book Estimate (OBE)' basis. Substantial progress was made in the following LSTK/OBE jobs under implementation during the year:

• Detailed Engineering and ordering activities are in advanced stage of completion for Resid Upgradation Project of CPCL, Chennai. All major long lead items have been ordered. Civil/ structural, U/G Piping, Mechanical & A/G Piping works are in progress.

• PFCC Unit, Sulphur Recovery unit and Polypropylene units of Mangalore Refinery Expansion Phase-Ill project of MRPL have been successfully commissioned.

• South Jetty Pipeline project for loading/unloading of petroleum products and crude oil for IOCL Paradip Refinery, being executed on OBE mode, has progressed well during the year.

• GSPC, as a part of Deen Dayal Field Development Project, has implemented an Onshore Gas Terminal (OGT) facility at Mallavaram in Andhra Pradesh. The project has been executed by EIL on OBE mode and consists of two trains of 100 MMSCFD each. Mechanical Completion of the plant was achieved during the year.

During the year, EIL was successful in securing the job for executing Hazira Modification Job under Daman Development Project on OBE basis from ONGC.

Performance of Divisions Process Design & Development

The Process Design & Development Division of EIL continued its efforts to secure business from new clients besides serving various existing clients, both in India and in overseas. Prominent assignments undertaken by the Division during the year include the following:

• Detailed Feasibility Report (DFR) for a state-of-the-art Refinery cum Petrochemical Complex for HPCL for processing Rajasthan crude located at Barmer. The refinery capacity is 9MMTPA with maximization of Petrochemicals like Polypropylene and Polyethylene.

• Configuration Study and DFR for HPCL's Mumbai Refinery for expansion of crude processing capacity from 7.5MMPTA to 9.5 MMPTA.

• Configuration Study and Capacity Expansion study for BPCL's Mahul Refinery for enhancing crude processing from 12 MMTPA to 14MMTPA.

•Wax Production facilities of the Numaligarh Refinery have been successfully commissioned.

•Residual and Detailed Engineering of a grassroot Crude Distillation Unit (CDU-4) at BPCL's Mumbai Refinery for 6 MMPTA crude processing capacity.

•Detailed Engineering for the Integrated Refinery Expansion Project of BPCL's Kochi Refinery for enhancing crude processing capacity from 9.5 to 15.5 MMTPA.

•DFR for 6 MMTPA expansion of Numaligarh Refinery based on 100% Sour Crude Processing.

•DFR for Capacity Expansion of IOCL's Gujarat Refinery from a crude processing capacity of 13.7 MMTPA to 18 MMTPA.  

•Feasibility Study for Assessment of Land, Power and Water requirement for Coal to Liquids Project to produce 80000 BPD of liquid fuel for IPCOL, Odisha.

•Detailed Feasibility Study for Low Cost Expansion of Bharat

•Oman's Refinery at Bina for enhancing the existing crude processing capacity from 6 MMTPA to 7.5 MMTPA.

•Detailed Engineering of 2.2 MMTPA DCU unit of CPCL's Chennai Refinery as part of the EPC project activities.

•FEED preparation for Revamp of Unmanned Platform Phase-II for ONGC is under progress.

•PMC services for BPA/BPB offshore facilities for ONGC. Configuration study for setting up a Grassroot Refinery of 200,000 BPSD at Angola for Sonaref.

•Detailed Engineering for INDAdeptG unit of 35KTPA capacity being set up at IOCL's Guwahati Refinery with indigenous technology developed in association with IOCL R&D.

•Feed Augmentation study with Ethane import facilities for GAIL'sPetrochemical Complex at Vijaipur and Pata.

•Feasibility study for Utilization of Pet coke via the gasification route for value addition for NFL at Nangal.

•Assessment and utilization of gas for the Western Offshore assets for ONGC to examine the potential for further optimization of gas usage.

•Pre-feasibility Report for Adani Enterprises Limited (AEL) for Coal gasification to polygeneration at their facilities located at Mundra.

•Licensor evaluation for a grassroot Diesel Hydrotreater Unit for BPCL's Mumbai Refinery. Design of new and revamp of associated facilities i.e., SWS, ARU, Utilities and Offsites.  

•Vetting of Prefeasibility Report carried out by AEL in Chhattisgarh for Polygeneration.

•DFR for expanding HPCL's Vizag Refinery crude processing capacity to 15 MMTPA with inclusion of suitable bottom upgradation facilities for distillate yield and product quality improvement.  

•Study Report for capacity debottlenecking of existing Crude Distillation Unit for Takreer Refinery, Abu Dhabi.  

•Basic Engineering Design Package of Visbreaker Revamp with installation of Soaker internals at IOCL's Haldia Refinery in collaboration with IIP.

•Advance FEED package for Kuzey-Marmara DP-1 & DP-2 platform offshore facilities for Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO

•FEED development for WIS Reconstruction Project to install a new water injection platform with a capacity of 3720 m3/hr at Mumbai High south field, ONGC.

• Study report for examining the impact of high H2S content in ONGC's B193 platform.

• Coke Chamber replacement and Modernization of Coker-A of IOCL's Barauni Refinery.

• Reviewed LSTK documents for 2200 TPD Ammonia, 4000 TPD Urea & Methanol complex of Indorama, Nigeria.

• Reviewed early work contractor documents for 5000 TPD Methanol and 3850 TPD Urea complex for Brass Fertilizers, Nigeria.

• Licensor selection for Ammonia, Urea technologies & Detailed Feasibility Report preparation for revival of Ramagundam Fertilizer Project.

• Prefeasibility study for 2200 TPD ammonia & 3850 TPD urea plant in Siberia, Russia for Global Steel.

• Licensor selection & PMC services for a grassroot 890 KTPA Dual Feed Cracker unit & associated polymer facilities of Liwa Plastics Project for Orpic, Oman.

• Basic and detailed design of the associated utility and offsites facilities as well as detailed engineering services for 460,000 BPSD Dangote Refinery and Petrochemicals Complex for Dangote Oil Refinery Company Limited, Lekki, Nigeria.

• RFCC Revamp Project at Sohar Refinery, Orpic: Preparation of Basic Design package for the RFCC Amine Absorber unit, preparation of FEED Package for the RFCC Revamp, CDU Modification, PRU Revamp and LPG Merox revamp.

• PMC services for FEED Packages, Design of Tankages and Mounded Storages for Lobito Refinery Project of Sonangol EP.

• Distillate Yield Improvement Project (Aishwarya project) of IOCL's Haldia Refinery.


During the year, the Engineering Division of EIL continued its efforts towards providing optimized and value added services for all ongoing projects consistent with the client requirements and objectives of the Company. The Division maintained its focus on key areas like System Improvement and improvement of quality of deliverables, Control of Rework related wastage by use of Database, Repeatability of Design, Enhanced Software applications and overall implementation of Electronic data management system and improved information exchange and communication systems resulting in less manual interfaces. Major emphasis was laid on Automation and Standardization of systems, implementation of Internal Audit and Monitoring, updation of specifications standards and guides. A large number of improved processes, new concepts and technologies were implemented for the first time this year and some of them are as follows:

• Basic design and engineering of Non-Conventional Coke Dispatch scheme for the Aishwarya Project of IOCL to accomplish complete rake loading within limited space.

• Basic engineering and procurement of energy efficient VAV (variable air volume) air conditioning system for lab building in MRPL Phase-III expansion project and VRF (variable refrigerant flow) air conditioning system for MBBVPL project of GITL.

• Conceptualization of HVAC system for Catalyst, Chemical and TEAL storage building for Dahej Petrochemical complex (OPaL) and developing detailed HVAC scheme for hazardous areas handling critical chemicals like Peroxide, TEAL etc.

• Detailed engineering of CDSP unit of DCU Project of CPCL, for the first time in EIL.

• Engineering for procurement of Hot Gas Power Recovery Expander Generator of about 2 x 23 MWe rating, handling hot flue gases at around 760 °C for FCC Unit of Dangote Refinery & Petrochemical Project in Nigeria, thereby recovering the energy of hot gases.

• Engineering for procurement of 4 x 40 MWe Steam Turbine Generator Packages (VHP steam inlet, dual controlled extraction & condensing type) for DRPP Project, DORC-Nigeria.

• Engineering for procurement of 66KV, 2500A, 40KA (1 sec.), 66KV,Double Bus, Indoor Gas Insulated Switchboard (GIS) having approx. 40 panels for Dangote Refinery & Petrochemical Project, Nigeria.

• Procurement Engineering for Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection System (NIFPS) against conventional water sprinkler system for 2 nos 20/25MVA, 22/6.9KV Power Transformers for CDU-4 project of BPCL- Mumbai.

• In situ type Panel mounted IR based SOx/NOx/CO analysers for Continuous Emission Monitoring of Stack with remote monitoring and calibration facility from Pollution Control Board thereby replacing Analyser Shelters resulting in reduction in both Capex and Opex.

• Provision of Ultrasonic Liquid Flow Metering skid for custody transfer with centralised calibration and meter proving facility.

• IR based Platform Intruder Detection System, Ultrasonic Base Bird Repellent system and Seismic Detection Switch for remote offshore installations.

Heat and Mass Transfer

The Heat and Mass Transfer Division (HMTD) provided thermal/ hydraulic & mechanical designs and PMC services for Fired Heaters, Cast/Glass Air Preheaters (CAPH/GAPH), Mass Transfer Systems (column trays/packing etc.), Heat Exchangers & Air Coolers (Thermal Design only), Waste Heat Recovery Equipments, Ejectors & Ejector System (including Hybrid type) and Utility Boiler system for various projects including BPCL-IREP, BPCL NHT-ISOM, BPCL-DHT, Aishwarya Project of IOCL - Haldia and Dangote Oil Refinery Co. etc. The Division undertook many jobs where various innovative/value added specialist services like feasibility studies, troubleshooting were provided. Some of the key projects undertaken by the division are summarized below:

• Heat exchanger thermal design services to UOP, the Process Licensor for Dangote Refinery.

• Preheat network study for the "Configuration study and DFR for CDU/VDU expansion" (7.5 to 9.5 MMTPA) for HPCL Mumbai Refinery. A preheat network was conceived for the revamp case to attain the maximum possible preheat temperature.

• Specialist services to IOCL Haldia for carrying out detailed study and analysis for the frequent tube failures in Waste Heat Boiler, SRU-IV which occurred after commissioning.

• Adequacy study and modification/engineering for IOCL- Barauni Coker Heater wherein two heater operations have been successfully converted to only single heater operation after the revamp. It was a challenging revamp job due to limited space for additional heat transfer area.  

• Consulting services to Takreer, Abu Dhabi for study of the existing preheat network of CDU and providing recommendations for performance improvement in order to meet the changes implemented in diesel specification.

Project Services - Costing

The Costing Division provides services such as preparation of capital cost estimates and financial/economic analysis in diverse activities ranging from technology selection to preparation of feasibility reports and option study estimates for investment decisions. It provides assistance during price negotiation, cost monitoring and control during execution of projects under conventional and LSTK mode of execution. It also prepares cost estimates for bidding as EPC contractor. The vast database and capabilities help in providing valuable support for bid evaluation and award of major contracts as well as in providing effective cost control services.

Project Services - Planning

The Planning Division continued to provide planning, scheduling, monitoring, project risk management and material control services to various projects. Using state-of-the-art tools and its database, the Division caters to diverse project execution roles of the Company, viz. EPCM, PMC, LSTK/OBE modes. The Division continued to provide project monitoring services to the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.

Procurement Services

The Procurement Services Division of EIL through the Contracts & Purchase Department and Inspection Department has been delivering the supplies, services and works of specified quality within the specified time at the most competitive prices in a fair, equitable & transparent manner. The Division offers its services for the projects executed by EIL for various clients globally as a consultant and a contractor as well as for various in-house requirements. This division offers complete Supply Chain Management services right from registration of suppliers/contractors globally, placement of orders, inspection, expediting and logistics services for deliveries up to construction sites.

The Procurement Services Division leverages its varied experience, established systems & procedures, standards, vast knowledge pool and extensive database to aid the Company in successful project execution.

In order to deliver procurement in an effective and efficient manner on fast track, e-procurement has been implemented with the help of outsourced technologies as well as in-house developed software solutions, enabling greater transparency in the procurement process. EIL has a laid down policy of implementation of 100% e-procurement across all projects through a long term tie-up with National Informatics Centre (NIC).

In the current year, orders for Rs.390 crore of direct purchases and contracts were placed on suppliers/contractors globally for various OBE/LSTK/Depository projects. In addition, orders for Rs.3388 crore were placed for various other clients' projects. In line with the government's promotion initiatives for enhancement of indigenous vendors' involvement in Government Procurement, EIL has implemented the prevalent guidelines including Public Procurement Policy (PPP)-2012 for Micro and Small Enterprises. During the current year, EIL procured Rs.65.93 crore worth of goods and services from micro and small enterprises which is around 21% of the total value of direct purchase orders for goods, placed by EIL (and around 19% of the total value of Purchase orders for goods and contracts for services).

Towards the promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), EIL associated with MSME-Development Institute, Okhla, New Delhi, Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India in organizing a two-day National Level Vendor Development Program cum Industrial Exhibition at the office premises of MSME-DI, Okhla, New Delhi, to provide a platform to display and demonstrate the products, technologies, capabilities, requirements and services of various MSEs. Procurement Division has also been instrumental in registration of MSE suppliers to enhance procurement as per MSME policy.

Procurement Division carried out in process and pre-dispatch inspection of critical equipment at suppliers' works as well as Project sites through its Regional Procurement Offices located all over the country and overseas offices located in London, Shanghai and Milan. Major items inspected included "Vaccum column for BPCL IREP project (63mtr x 12 mtr, 850 MT), among many other large sized equipment. It was for the first time ever that new inspection techniques like TOFD (Time of Flight Defraction) and PAUT (Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing) were introduced for inspection of fabricated equipment. Multimodal transportation scheme for equipment of BPCL IREP project was used from Kochi port to site by utilizing waterways and making a new jetty close to Refinery.

The Division has also been making steadfast efforts towards widening its database of capable suppliers. Suppliers and Contractors located worldwide apply through online system available at EIL website. With an objective to make the system more transparent, effective and paperless, the process of enlistment of contractors, starting from online application to final approval, has also been made online.

To give a boost to "Make in India" program launched by Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Procurement Division is also putting in efforts to qualify vendors for items which are generally imported and organizing vendor meets in different regions, to ensure the same.


The Construction Division offers services for total Construction Management including Contract administration, Construction Quality Surveillance, Feedback Analysis, HSE and Warehouse Management for various projects of EIL.

During the year, Construction Division continued to provide Construction Management Services for various clients at 31 diverse domestic project locations and 5 overseas locations. The on-going prestigious commitments for the Division include IREP at Kochi & CDU-4 project at Mumbai for BPCL, OPaL Petrochemical at Dahej, DCU for CPCLat Chennai, SJPL Paradeep and U.P. Petrochemical Project-II of GAIL at Pata.

Construction activities commenced for the following new domestic projects during the year:

• Nuclear Fuel Complex, Kota

• KG Basin/VSPL Pipeline project, Rajamundry

• Dahej Expansion-IIIA Project , Dahej

• HDD works at Yamuna, Satluj and Solani

• DCU Revamp project and RO Plant project of IOCL, Barauni

• IndadeptG at Guwahati Refinery of IOCL

• EOR Barmer of Cairn India Limited

• NHT/ISOM Project of BPCL, Mumbai

• Fire water revamp project at COT, Vadinar

The highly skilled & motivated EIL construction team has been instrumental in establishing & monitoring adherence of construction Quality Management system comprising Quality plans, Inspection test plans, implementing special processes for concreting, welding involving latest NDT techniques, digital radiography, ultrasonic test etc. during all the phases of construction to ensure trouble free commissioning/operation of critical units.

The Construction activities for the following Projects/Units were completed during the year:

• Asia's largest Gas Processing Unit (21.12 MMSCMD) in a single stream for GAIL's Petrochemical Complex-II, Vijaipur.

• LPG pipeline from BPCL Mahul to Uran.

• Extruder, GCU, and N2 plant at GAIL Petrochemical Complex-II, Pata.

• STG, ACC & Boiler at Mangala Processing Terminal.  

• Butene -1 plant at IOCL PNCP Panipat.  

• PFCCU & SRU at MRPL Phase-III.  

• Wax hydro Finishing Unit at NRL.

• Mechanical Completion of MRPL Phase-III, Pneumatic Conveying system pertinent to PPU at MRPL and Cavern Acceptance Test at SCOS, Padur.

The Construction Division is constantly striving to adopt and adapt newer techniques and processes with an aim to shorten delivery timelines. The Division is using the following innovative construction techniques and improvised equipment/machineries to minimize construction schedule across project sites:

• Alufo Shuttering, Pre-Engineered Buildings, Spool Marking and Tracking Machine, Water jet cutting machine etc.

• Pre-Assembled heavy equipment slab reinforcement cage assembly.

• Constructability study and erection feasibility study for ease of execution for projects.

EIL attaches highest importance to Health, Safety and Environment in execution of all its projects and achieved following accolades during the financial year:

• 50 Million LTA free man-hours at Petrochemical Complex-II of GAIL, Pata

• 15 Million LTA free man-hours at IREP project of BPCL

• 14 Million LTA free man-hours at Strategic Storage of ISPRL Mangalore

• 5 Million LTA free man-hours at PP Unit of MRPL, Mangalore

• 5 Million LTA free man-hours at Wax Project of Numaligarh Refinery

Plant Operation and Safety

The Plant Operation and Safety Division (POSD) of EIL continued to provide services in the following areas during the year:

• Process design for Offsite Facilities of Refinery, Petrochemicals, Gas Processing Units, Oil Terminals, Onshore Terminals, Topsides of Strategic Storages (underground caverns), Cross Country Pipelines, LNG Terminals, etc.

• Safety related studies like Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP), Hazard Identification (HAZID), Risk Analysis & Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA), Safety Integrity Level (SIL), Safety Audits, Safety Reviews and Emergency Planning.

• Pre-commissioning & commissioning of process plants, Utilities, Offsites in refineries, petrochemical and gas processing areas, terminals of crude oil, product and LNG and pipelines, etc., including total responsibility for LSTK projects and Operating Manuals preparation.

The following major assignments were completed/were in progress during the year:

• Process design for offsite facilities of Dangote Refinery, Nigeria.

• PMC services for Liwa Plastics Project, Orpic, Oman.

• Process package for LNG terminal at Chhara, HPCL Shapoorji Energy Limited.

• Feed Package for Offsite facilities of Aishwarya Project, IOCL Haldia.

• PMC services for GASCO pipelines Yasmina, Arkaan, Fertil, Shuweit-lll.

• Advanced FEED services for Kuzey-Marmara fixed offshore platforms and pipelines, TPAO, Turkey.

• PMC services for Kochi-Coimbatore-Salem LPG pipeline of BPCL.

The following major pre-commissioning & commissioning assignments were completed during the year:

• PFCC, SRU Train-ll &III and TGTU of MRPL Ph-lll project.

• DDW1 & PLQP Gas Terminal and Onshore Gas Terminal of Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation, Kakinada.

• GAIL Petrochemical -II Complex at Vijaipur.

• Solvent De Oiling Unit & Wax Hydro finishing Unit at NRL, Assam.

• Habshan Acid Gas Flare Recovery Project, GASCO, Abu Dhabi.

• 52" Gas Twin lines from Habshan to Maqta pipeline, HMT Project GASCO, Abu Dhabi.

The following pre-commissioning/commissioning activities were under progress during the year:

• Assam Gas Cracker Project of BCPL, Lepetkata.

• Strategic Crude Oil Storage project of ISPRL, Vizag.

• Dahej Petrochemical Complex, OPaL.

• GAIL Petrochemical -II Complex at Pata.

• CDU-4, SWS & LPGTU of BPCL, Mumbai.

• Yas-mina Gas Pipeline Project GASCO Abu Dhabi.

The Division has also been successful with its continued efforts in securing new business in both domestic and overseas markets. During the year, the Division undertook following major studies:

• RRA study for Vadinar-Bina pipeline and COT facilities at Vadinar of BORL.

• HAZOP & SIL Study of DCU CPCL, Chennai.

• HAZOP & SIL Study for Advanced FEED services for Kuzey-Marmara fixed offshore platforms and pipelines, TPAO, Turkey

• HAZOP Revalidation Study for Fuel Depot, KAFCO

• SIL Study for KCPL LPG Pipeline, BPCL.

New business initiatives like O&M services to industry are in progress and the Division undertook following assignments:

• Upkeep and Maintenance of DFCU & AU plant of OPaL, Dahej.

• LPG Plant Preservation for GAIL, Usar Plant.

Environmental Engineering

EIL's efforts in preserving long-term health and safety of people as well as natural resources have always been an integral part of its policy. Over the years, EIL's Environment Division has adopted innovative integrated water management for industries & municipalities and has executed several hundred projects in diversified fields of environment including water & wastewater treatment; effluent recycle and zero discharge projects; Environmental Impact Assessment studies; environmental audits; air quality assessment, modeling & control; ground water monitoring studies; solid & hazardous waste management; oily sludge management; volatile organic carbon (VOC) & fugitive emissions control; site assessment and remediation; environmental health & risk management; environmental management plans; etc.

The major achievements of the Division during the year include the following:

• Foray into advance aquifer water treatment (membrane nano-filtration based processes for sulphate ions removal) and production of water treatment & polishing filtration systems (to achieve very low levels of oil and suspended solids in reinjection water for enhanced oil recovery) for Cairn's Mangala Processing Terminal.

• Successful execution of a consultancy services job for Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) for selection of technically most viable process for installation of new oily sludge handling facilities at their MAA (Mina-AI-Ahmadi) Refinery, Kuwait.

• Execution of membrane (ultra-filtration) based raw water treatment plant for OPaL's Dahej Petrochemical Complex.

• Re-accreditation by Quality Council of India (QCI) for carrying out EIA studies in India in eleven sectors. The Company has QCI-NABET accredited in-house EIA Coordinators and Functional Area Experts.

• Environment clearances were obtained from Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEFCC) for BORL's Bina Refinery Expansion, IOCL's Dimer Project at Mathura Refinery, BPCL's ISOM project at Mumbai Refinery and Indian Navy's Project Sea Bird at Karwar.

• As part of MoU with MoP&NG, EIL is continuing its efforts towards Sustainable Development Initiative. Biodiversity Improvement Project (Phase-III) including Development of Nursery for flowering plants in the EIL's Gurgaon Complex has been completed.

Research & Development

In order to continuously better the quality of its services to the clients by providing value addition and leveraging technological advances, it has always been EIL's endeavour to foster the spirit of innovation and creativity in the organization. Research and Development Division has played a significant role to achieve this objective by contributing in the consolidation of existing capabilities, development of new technologies & hardware and enhancement of the portfolio for special technology related services. R&D Division is pursuing developmental activities, both in house and in collaboration with academic institutes, other R&D organizations like IOCL-R&D, IIP, BPCL (R&D), and cooperating with small companies to promote the creative ideas generated by them.

During the year, R&D Division has undertaken the following initiatives for development of new capabilities and up-gradation & commercialization of existing capabilities:

Technology Development projects

The following technology development projects were initiated and completed during the year:

• Development of Process for Treatment of Naphtha Stream to eliminate Mercaptan by CFC Process.

• Regeneration of Glycol by Extractive Distillation - Eliminating need of Stripping Gases.

• Solvent development for CO2 removal from sour gases

• Hydraulic testing of M/S Kevin supplied PARLPAK 252m2/m3, ME250Y, ME250Y Additional and ME250Y Vantage at EIL R&D Complex.

The following technology development projects were initiated during the year and are in progress from HPCL-VIZAG for supply of Parlpak in quench columns (3 columns) and amine absorption columns (3 columns) of TGTU (Tail gas treatment unit).

• Based on Tail Gas Treating Technology developed, a job has been secured to implement two tail gas treating units at BPCL Mumbai for improvement of sulphur recovery from 99% to 99.9%.

• Based on Oxygen Enrichment Technology developed, a job has been secured for implementing oxygen enrichment facility at BPCL Mumbai for capacity enhancement of the existing sulphur recovery unit by 130%

Initiatives for strengthening technology tie-ups

For strengthening technology tie ups, memberships of following research consortiums for year 2015-16 have been renewed:

• Process Science Technology Center, an industry-academia collaborative research program initiated by University of Texas, USA.

• Fractionation Research Incorporated, a non-profit cooperative research organization based at Oklahoma, USA.

• Process Integration Research Consortium of University of Manchester UK.

Patents filed/granted

Based on innovative work done during the year, the following two patents have been filed:

• High pressure fluidized bed gasifier and gasification process thereof.

• An absorbent liquid and a process for removal of acid gases using the same.

Two other patents filed earlier have been granted this year:

• Patent No 261235 Dated 13-6-2014: An Apparatus for Separation of C2/C3 and LPG from LNG Cold Stream and A Method for the Recovery thereof.

• Patent No 261476 Dated 20-6-2014: A Steam Trap Device

Specialist Materials and Maintenance Services

The Specialist Materials and Maintenance Services (SMMS) Department of EIL continued to provide specialist services to the various in-house projects and clients in Petroleum, Petrochemical, Metallurgical, Nuclear and Infrastructure sectors in India and abroad. Some of the important assignments are mentioned below:

•Health Study of gas pipelines in KG Basin, GAIL.

•Fitness for Service for Hazira Compressor Station, GAIL.

•Specialist services for revamping of existing Cathodic Protection system, GAIL.

•Health study of Reactor Feed Heater at Mumbai Refinery, HPCL.

•Specialist services for refractory during shutdown of Mangalore Chemical and Fertilizer Limited, Mangalore and for refractory lining repair of 95" Flue Gas Duct in FCCU, HPCL-Mittal Energy Limited, Bathinda, Punjab.

•Specialist services for Refractory, Insulation & Fireproofing in Algiers Refinery, M/s. Sonatrach, Algeria.

•Material Selection for Kuzey-Marmara Fixed Offshore platform of TPAO, Turkey and Liwa Plastics Project of Orpic, Oman.

• Material Selection, Refractory & Insulation, Corrosion Control and Cathodic Protection for IREP of BPCL, Kochi.

• Refractory & Insulation, Corrosion Control and Cathodic Protection for Dangote Refinery & Petrochemical Project, Nigeria and Indo-Rama Fertilizer, Nigeria.

Information Technology Services

Information Technology Services (ITS) division of EIL continued to provide state-of-the-art IT enabled services with an aim to deliver better quality services with increased efficiency at reduced costs. Using new IT technologies, various initiatives were taken during the year, the details of which are as follows:

Secure File Sharing System: A web based 'Secure File Sharing System' has been developed for secured sharing of Category-1 documents on to the web-application portal among the authorized users of EIL protected by multi-level password.

Projects Documents Sharing System: This web based system has been developed to facilitate sharing of project documents with the clients with features such as restricted access, e-mail notifications etc. Client may also access and upload the documents in the system by using the user id and password provided to them.

Internal Customer Perception Survey System: This Web based software has been developed for conducting internal customer perception survey. The system also facilitates the departments to see the analytical reports of their received perceptions.

GMS (Grievance Management System): An Online System developed to provide easily accessible platform for expeditious settlement of grievances of employees.

Appraisal Management System (AMS) for Staff: A web based online appraisal management system for Staff from 1 to 9 level employees has been implemented. It has various modules facilitating to capture the data required in the appraisal process.

Training Database Management System (TDMS): A web-based system has been developed for the Training department. The objective of the system is to maintain the annual training calendar and to create an employee wise centralized data base for the trainings conducted by Training division.

Software for Engineering Disciplines: Following new software have been developed for the Engineering and Technology divisions:

• Electrical Datasheet Integration System (EDIS): A web based system has been developed for generating the MR/PR/Vendor side electrical datasheet along with approval cycle with review codes, comments/resolution and revision management between EIL and supplier/manufacturer.

• Cast Air Pre-heater thermal design software: A web based system for calculation of thermal profile of tubes in cast air pre heater has been developed for HMTD department. Software can generate the temperature profile at each tube row level. The Tube configuration can be simulated for different design to maximize the heat recovery. technology in EIL engineered plants. This will help in Foundation Field bus cable schedule preparation, Trunk cable estimation for package equipment, Drum scheduling and MTO preparation for Field bus cables and JBs.

• Engineering Query Management System: A centralized web based system for managing engineering queries at ROs/BO with features such as cataloguing, reuse, reminders, mail alerts, SMS notifications, reporting on pending queries, auto archival etc.

Software for Cost Engineering Discipline:

• Integrated Cost Estimation System (ICES): The system captures the technical data from engineering software like ECABLE, IMPRESS, EDSIS, etc. and past commercial data from Integrated Procurement Management System (IPMS), and brings them to a single platform wherein the user can use this information for project level cost estimation and monitoring purpose.

• Cost Estimation for Feasibility Reports (DFR): A web based software to facilitate the preparation of project cost estimate for Preliminary Feasibility/Detailed Feasibility Reports (PFR/DFR) and helps in calculating the Plant & Machinery cost estimation for process/Offsite units from available costing database in various forms such as Detailed Unit Cost, Equipment Level Cost and Single line figure etc.

Enhancements in the Electronic Document Management System (eDMS): Many improvements were carried out in the system during the year with an objective to make the document exchange and its monitoring more efficient and effective and to reduce execution time. Auto alerts and reminders were incorporated for auto escalation of user tasks to minimize document review cycle time. Enhancements were carried out in the Rendition Server to make PDF conversion process faster and smooth. New reports were incorporated for proper monitoring and tracking of document exchange and review cycles. Several improvements were also carried out in the Contractor/ Supplier and Client portals to make it more user friendly.

Enhancement of existing systems: Upgrading and enhancement of existing systems on a regularly basis is a key deliverable of the Division. During the year, the following existing software have been improved by way of enhancement of capabilities and inclusion of additional features and put to use on more number of projects:

• Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning Activities Management System (PCAMS)

• Structural Engineering Design Solution (SEDS)

• General Civil engineering Design Solution (GCEDS)

• Intelligent Design Basis for Engineering

Enhancements in Financial Accounting System: Following enhancements have been carried out in the FAS system:

• System to generate Cash flow, Cost Record and Location wise expense statements.

• Bank Reconciliation through system for State Bank of India.

• System generated Bank Guarantees confirmation, Revoke and invocation letters to Banks.

• Filling of Vendor e-TDS return with detail of reduce rate through system.

• System generated credit invoices to clients for cost reimbursable contracts.

PMC Services for DGH's NDR Project: PMC services have been extended to Directorate General of Hydrocarbon (DGH)'s National Data Repository (NDR) project. NDR aims to provide a world-class data storage and retrieval infrastructure for the hydrocarbon exploration and production (E&P) data in a safe and reusable manner.

Implementation of IT Infrastructure:

• The implementation of IT infrastructure including both hardware and engineering software at Abu Dhabi hub is underway.

• PCs of a large number of users have been upgraded with state of the art PCs at HO/ BO/ ROs.

• A latest SAN based storage system of 40 TB capacity has been installed in the Computer Centre at HO.

• Implementation of new servers at HO is in process.

Sustainable Development

EIL's sustainability mandate evolves around complying with the environmental regulations and norms in a way that make it a responsible company and transparent to all its stakeholders. The Company's project designs support sustainability right from the concept stage to plant commissioning and subsequently during the commercial operation. Energy efficiency, resource optimization and safety of plant personnel & society at large are the cornerstones of our business operations and also ensure business continuity.

EIL has refocused its engineering philosophy and business models to achieve long-term sustainable growth. It has also initiated evaluation and reporting of its performance on the triple bottom lines of economic, social and environmental aspects. It believes that the sustainability initiatives underway will propel the organization on an upward growth trajectory.

A separate Report on Sustainable Development is annexed to this Report.

Corporate Strategy & Business Development

Corporate plans are imperative for any organisation with a time horizon of five years and a longer term perspective. A Corporate Strategy and Business Development (CS&BD) group is now functional, which performs the role of evaluation of Market opportunities, Business Developments, Venturing into new geographies, Tie-ups with Licensors/Vendors/Collaborators, augmenting the portfolio of EIL by diversifying into sunrise sectors.

The Division has been consciously focusing on the market and proposing the strategies required for growth of the organisation. The CS&BD Division has been focusing on the core hydrocarbon sector customer requirements, seeding ideas to new and potential clients. Owing to the current market scenario, it is also essential that EIL, while harnessing its core strength, should also explore projects in sunrise sectors and new geographies.

Under the Internationalization focus, the Middle East Hub of EIL in Abu Dhabi has been expanded and manpower is being progressively ramped up to service the entire MENA region. In addition, the CS&BD division has also been exploring business opportunities in South East Asia and the rapidly emerging African markets.

As part of enhanced value creation, CS&BD has been in continuous dialogue with various licensors/technology providers, with an objective to collaborate and provide a bouquet of niche services to the owner organizations.

The CS&BD group has initiated aggressive business development activities in Solar Power, Fertilizers, Water and Waste Water Treatment, SMART Cities, PCPIRs etc as part of expansion into new lines of business. Sustained BD efforts are under progress with ULBs, Municipal Corporations and respective state governments in this direction.

HSE Management System

Since its inception, EIL has always accorded highest priority to Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) in all aspects of its operations. The Company's HSE policy covers the following:

• Compliance to statutory requirements, engineering codes and standards

• Ensuring the health and safety of employees & associates

• Creating awareness on HSE amongst employees & associates

• Continual improvement of the HSE Management system

In order to implement the above policy, the Company has a robust HSE Management system based on OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System). The HSE Manual, various procedures, checklists, templates have been developed and implemented across the organization as a part of the HSE Management System.

During the year, EIL's HSE Management system was certified by an accredited Certification Body to OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001 in December 2014. These certifications will enhance your Company's evaluations scores while bidding for overseas jobs particularly in the Middle East Oil & Gas market.

During the year, extensive HSE Management System awareness amongst employees was created through class room trainings, sharing of training materials/documents in the portals and HSE Newsletter. During the year, class room training on HSE Management system was imparted to 832 employees, which is in addition to training and materials shared in electronic form. This training included modules on emergency preparedness and response which enables employees to safeguard themselves and their colleagues during emergencies.

Internal audits, external audits and top management review of the HSE Management system are being undertaken for ensuring its continuous improvement.

Hazard Analysis, Risk Assessment & Control (HIRAC) and Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) have been carried out at various locations to mitigate and control Health & Safety hazards and Environmental impact.

HSE aspects are in-built in the procedures of various engineering departments and compliance to the same is verified through usage of checklists.

Your Company has a detailed system for implementation of HSE management at construction sites including an elaborate HSE specification for the sites. Compliance to these specified requirements are ensured through checklists, inspections, audits, awareness etc.

Incident/Accident reporting and investigation procedures with specific reporting protocols have been developed and deployed.

Being a member of the British Safety Council and National Safety Council, EIL keeps abreast of the developments in the HSE domain through updates, articles, journals etc.

Quality Management System

Quality is inbuilt into EIL's processes, workplace, deliverables and services. The Quality Management System of the Company was reassessed through external Surveillance Audit by a third party certification agency which confirmed that the Quality Management System of EIL continues to conform to the international standard ISO 9001:2008.

The validation of EIL's relentless focus and pursuit of quality has come in form of numerous and prominent awards. During the year, the Company was conferred with the prestigious Rajiv Gandhi National Quality Award (RGNQA), Commendation Certificate Award 2012 in Large Scale Service Industry Category, instituted by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the National Standards body of India.

Important ingredients of our quality initiatives are effective & comprehensive Internal Quality Audit process, planned customer perception surveys, analysis of feedbacks from stakeholders and regular reviews & directions from the Management Review Committee (MRC) & the Systems Committee. The MRC is chaired by the C&MD with all whole time Directors being members. The Systems Committee is chaired by senior Executive Director, and senior officials from all areas of operation & functions are members of the committee. Regular monitoring is done to analyze the data & feedbackfor recommending improvements in processes, deliverables and QMS to reduce costs, shorten cycle time, cross functional issues, improve visibility and credibility without affecting the environment. QMS implementation and its effectiveness have been further increased by computerization of certain processes through in-house developed software.

The Quality Management System of your company's UAE (Abu Dhabi) office was also independently audited and reassessed for certification during the year.

In addition, the Company participated as a prominent and active member in various committees for formulating products and quality system standards by Bureau of Indian Standards.

Risk Management

EIL's Risk Management policy with a robust supporting risk management frame work facilitates identification and assessment of new risks and review of presently identified risks. The process is based on identified risks and the risk events or factors which require regular assessment and quick response. Based on the probability & impact of the risk, the requisite controls and action plans have been designed and implemented.

Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) have been identified to measure the adequacy, effectiveness and efficiency of these, controls and action plans.

The objective of risk management in the Company is to act as an enabler in maintaining its knowledge edge, sustaining and expanding the business, being competitive and ensuring execution of projects within budgeted cost and time, resulting in improved turnover and profitability

The elements of risks have been identified by your Company and disclosed for the benefit of all stakeholders. To cover all the elementsof risks at enterprise level, nine categories have been defined by the management & risks were identified and categorized in them.

Risk compliance verifications are conducted regularly to test the compliance of controls and the same is reported to the Risk Management Committee (RMC). The risk identification & assessment processes and risk audit process are being handled through "Enterprise Risk Management System (ERMS)" software.

The status of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) process is presented to the Risk Management Committee & Audit Committee, which is reviewed by the Board also. The reporting structure meets the regulatory requirements.

Project Risk Management has been implemented for high value and important projects as per the criteria approved by the RMC. The risk severities are categorized as critical, major, cautionary and minor based on the probability and overall impact.

In addition, a bi-monthly risk newsletter 'Risk Screen' is being emailed to all employees of your Company. This creates awareness about various risk management activities/achievement, new topics/ practices/ updates on ERM or PRM and to create enthusiasm in them to proactively control risks in their work processes & areas.

Your Company is committed to further strengthen its risk management capabilities in order to protect interests and enhance shareholder value.


During the year, CTE type examination of EIL's jobs on LSTK/OBE basis, random inspection of in-house contracts/purchases, scrutiny of Immovable Property Returns, investigation of complaints etc. were carried out by the Vigilance Department with the focused objective of ensuring conformity to the Company procedures and Government guidelines. Various rules, regulations and procedures were reviewed during the year and System improvements were suggested to the Management & necessary measures were undertaken for improvement. The observations reported by CTE/CVC were examined and necessary actions were taken.

Structured meetings were held between CVO, C&MD & functional Directors and Inter-Directorate meetings were held with respective Directors to resolve the pending issues. Details of vigilance activities were also presented to the Board.

Various vigilance workshops, seminars, debates & Vigilance Awareness Week etc. were organized in HO, Regional, Branch, Procurement and site offices of EIL during the year for spreading vigilance awareness amongst the employees of EIL. A seminar on the topic "Orienting Personal Goals with Organizational Goals" was organized for senior level officials during Vigilance Awareness Week 2014. Some important features of Vigilance activities are given below:

• Leveraging Technology: Reverse auctioning, e-tendering, e-payment, e-receipt, etc are already implemented in the Company and being monitored regularly against the set targets. Clearance of vendors' bills on 'First in, First Out' (FIFO) under Bill Tracking system (BTS) is ensured. BTS has provision for details about pendency of vendors' bills.

• Complaint Handling Policy (CHP): As per CVC Guidelines, EIL has formulated Complaint Handling Policy (CHS) & have a link on the Company's website for online complaint registration from public, contractors, vendors, suppliers etc. which is regularly monitored by Vigilance with respect to the status of complaints.

• Job Rotation: Job rotation of sensitive posts is being done & reporting of the same is being done on monthly basis.

• Integrity Pact: EIL is committed to higher ethical standards in contracts and procurement as well as transparency in all of its business dealings & adopted Integrity Pact in November, 2011 for enquiries having threshold value over Crore, which has further been lowered from Crore to Crore.

• Online Vigilance Clearance (OVC) & Scrutiny of IPRs: Online Vigilance Clearance and Immovable Property returns of employees is being carried out through Vigilance website -"Avalokan" on OVC portal.


The Company continued its strong cash generation driven by business performance. The efficient financial and cost management system continued to facilitate cash generations as well as creation of wealth. EIL optimized the returns on cash reserves by deploying cash surplus in safe and liquid instruments as per the approved investment policy of the Company.

Internal Audit

The Company has an Internal Audit Department having adequate number of professionals. During the year, several internal audit assignments with focus on checks and controls on system and procedures, monitoring compliances and continuous upgrade of controls have been carried out and the reports are regularly submitted to the Management and the major findings to the Audit Committee of the Board.

Human Resource & Industrial Relations

People are at the heart of our business and the quality & level of service that our employees deliver, directly impacts the results of the organization. The HR function at EIL thus endeavors to build an environment that unlocks the potential of the employees and keeps them inspired to achieve more.

As of March 31, 2015, we have 3192 employees, including 2821 technically and professionally qualified employees. Approximately 4.6% of our employees are located outside India, and have experience of international work environments.

• Talent Acquisition

Closely linked with the strategic goals & objectives, our Talent Acquisition strategies aim at facilitation of Right People at the Right Time and at the Right Place. Diverse recruitment models

are employed to meet the dynamic business needs with intake of fresh talent, domain specialists, short term hiring through outsourcing and taking onboard consultants/advisors.

To sharpen the skill sets and broaden the understanding of other Division/Departments of the Organization, planned job rotation has been implemented.

Performance Management System

In the area of Talent Assessment and Appraisal, EIL has in place a robust and transparent Performance Management System that gives weightage to both performance and potential. The Performance Management System is an online process. The outcome of Performance Management System is used for performance related pay, career progression, training & development and succession planning.

Review of the Promotion Rules of Officers and PMS procedure had been initiated during the year to make the system more objective and transparent.

Employee Welfare

During the year efforts were made for aligning our welfare measures towards enhancement of quality of work life for our employees. Various employee welfare initiatives were taken ranging from creating forums for social interactions to providing effective medical services by empanelling more hospitals and revision in rates of vaccines.

Thrust on Sports

Providing a supportive role in health & fitness, EIL promotes various sports by organizing weekend sessions and interdepartmental tournaments. Employees are encouraged to participate in various trekking expeditions, sports tournaments at regional and national levels. EIL employees participated in 11 PSPB tournaments. An active member of Petroleum Sports Promotion Board (PSPB), EIL hosted PSPB Table Tennis Tournament at Jamia Milia Islamia Sports Complex where 8 teams including EIL participated.

Reward & Recognition Scheme

Implementation of revised reward & recognition scheme was effected during the year for recognizing exemplary individual & team performance under various award categories.

• Best employee of the year in Staff Category

• Young Executive of the Year

• Professional of the Year

• Innovation Awards - Individual Innovation, Team Innovation

• Technical Paper Writing

The Annual Awards for the year 2013-14 were presented during the Independence Day Function on August 15, 2014. A total of 32 employees were awarded in different award categories.

Training & Development

Significant interventions were made for development of Managerial/Behavioural Competencies as well as Technical and Domain related competencies. Self-Awareness training programs focusing on lifestyle management were also facilitated.

In addition to this, structured Management Development Programmes were organized through Management Institutes for senior and junior management levels and seventh batch of

Leadership Development Programme- 'Aarohan' was completed for senior executives.

Moreover, year-long training structure was implemented for Management Trainees which is a blend of classroom as well as experiential and on-the-job learning.

During 2014-15, the average training days per employee was 2.78.

SBU training programmes were conducted on specialised domain areas like Hazardous Area Classification of Electrical Equipment & Selection of Rotating Equipment in the hydrocarbon sector for clients- Reliance Industries Limited, Vadodara & Oil India Limited, Duliajan.

• Mentorship Development

With an objective to foster professional relationships and provide a forum to offer constructive advice to support the career development of the mentee, EIL supports Mentorship Development Programme allocating trained mentors in the ratio of 1:3 (Mentor: Mentee) for Management Trainees. A special 2-day programme on 'Mentoringfor Win-Win Outcomes' was organized for selected group and the programme included a mix of questionnaire, role- plays & group exercises. The workshop provided introspection and insights to both the Mentor & the Mentee for building positive relationships and stronger teams.

• Leveraging IT in HR

Regular interventions are made to strengthen the HR processes through IT assistance. New modules have been introduced facilitating ease of operability & efficiency. EIL Connect continued to provide an interactive environment to the employees and has proved to be a valuable communication forum for employees posted both within India and at overseas locations. More than 1098 news items/reports were uploaded on EIL Connect and more than 17.27 lakhs hits were made on portal during the financial year.

• HR Initiatives

An HR Agenda was drawn up for 2014-15 to channelize the efforts of the HR team and enhance the effectiveness of the HR function. Focused efforts were made on implementation of key action points of the HR Agenda during the year. As an effective tool for assessing officers in both individual and group based environments for development, Assessment & Development Centres were conducted for 59 nos. of senior management personnel during September - October 2014. Performance Contracts (PCs) for 2014-15 were executed for all Divisions of HR Directorate cascading business objectives within HR functions. The four perspectives namely Operational, Process, Financial and HR, with each perspective having defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and quarterly targets enabled continuous monitoring and evaluation of performance. The first Annual Report of HR Directorate was released for the year 2013-14 by C&MD. The report is a compilation of HR efforts made during the year providing insights into Targets, Action plan & Results achieved by HR divisions.

• Implementation of Government Directives on Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe

With a view to accelerate the pace of socio-economic development of the nation, EIL has been endeavoring towards safeguarding the interests of SC/ST employees. In pursuance of the philosophy and compliance of Presidential Directives dated December 30, 1972 issued by Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, EIL has incorporated necessary provisions in its Recruitment process and Promotion norms.

The Company has appointed a Liaison Officer to work as a facilitator in ensuring that due attention is paid to the issues of SC/ST employees. Management also encourages communication with the office bearers of the SC/ST Employee's Welfare Association by holding periodical meetings with the Association. 15 no. of EIL scholarships were awarded to SC and ST (SC-10 and ST-5) undergraduate engineering students. The percentage of employees belonging to Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes category was 18.6% and 4.5% respectively of total employee strength of the Company (as on March 31, 2015). Regular meetings were held with representatives of SC/ ST Welfare Association and Liaison Officer for redressal of their grievances/concerns.

• Women Development

Women constitute approximately 12.7% of the Company's human resource, wherein more than 80% are in the officer cadre. To cater to the development needs of its women employees, a Women Forum is in place and has been reconstituted to include a Core Committee comprising senior officials as Patron, Chairperson & Co-Chairperson. The Core committee appoints Convener, Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Members who assist in carrying out the function of the Women Forum. The forum focuses on providing opportunities for development to women employees and identifies various training interventions especially in the area of Managerial Skills and Leadership Development as well as participation in National and International Conferences & Symposiums.

• Initiatives for the benefit of Persons with Disabilities

EIL is implementing the provisions of the Disabilities Act, 1995 by way of 3% reservation for Persons with Disabilities. Various concessions and relaxation are being extended to Persons with Disabilities in the recruitment process. In addition, Special Transport Allowance to PwD employees are provided under the scheme of the Persons with Disabilities. Presently, there are 36 nos. (i.e., 1.1%) of PwD employees on the rolls of the Company as on March 31, 2015.

Corporate Social Responsibility

In EIL, CSR is the commitment to operate in an economically, socially and environmentally responsible manner to enhance the Company's overall contribution to society. The thrust areas for CSR activities/ projects are education, healthcare, drinking water/sanitation, rural electrification, environment protection/sustainability, women empowerment, upliftment of underprivileged, community development, vocational training/skill centre and promotion of sports. Company's CSR activities are directed towards supporting the initiatives of Local, State or Central Government with programmes located in and around its Project Sites, Regional Offices and Head Office, with special focus on the backward areas and underprivileged sections of society.

In FY 2014-15 as per Companies Act 2013, the budgetary allocation of 2% of the average net profits made during the three immediately preceding financial years has been made for CSR activities.

Some of the project/activities undertaken in various thrust areas are elaborated below:

Education: The Company facilitated renovation/up-gradation of infrastructure in various educational institutes for underprivileged children in Assam. Other projects under execution include construction of auditorium for girl students and support for setting up of the Digital Library in Andhra Pradesh, classroom and toilet facilities (for girls) in Coimbatore.

EIL also supports value based educational programs in various schools of Uttarakhand and free education to underprivileged children from the slums of Delhi/NCR.

Another on-going key initiative is adoption of 100 and 25 Ekal Vidyalayas of Dibrugarh District in Assam and Odisha respectively through 'One Teacher School'.

Health Care: For providing better healthcare services to the poor and needy, EIL supported procurement and installation of Medical Equipment at Kakinada, installation of one BERA (Brain Evoked Response Audiometry) testing facility system for remediating hearing loss among infants at Kochi, installation of Blood Bank Refrigerated Centrifuge for medical care of blood cancer patients through blood banking programs in Kolkata and provided fully equipped Mobile Cancer Detection Van for screening & diagnosing cancer and spreading cancer awareness among poor sections of society in Delhi/ NCR.

The Company organizes general Health & Eye Check up Camps for the poor and needy residing in and around EIL's areas of operation in various states.

Other ongoing projects include installation of medical equipment for mentally and physically challenged destitute senior citizens in Delhi and support for organizing camps for distribution of assistive aids & appliances to poor & needy Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in Bhubaneswar, Bolangir & Paradeep Districts of Odisha & Dibrugarh District of Assam.

Drinking Water/Sanitation: In order to improve accessibility to safe drinking water to rural population, EIL supported installation of 93 RO water systems with water storage tanks in boys & girls hostels/ blocks of Bapatala town, Andhra Pradesh and construction of Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Treatment Plant and associated facilities at eight villages in Karnataka. Another project under execution is provision of potable water to six villages through installation of RO water treatment plants at Kakinada.

Under Swachh Vidyalaya Abhiyan, construction of sanitation facilities and additional toilets in schools of Bihar, Odisha, Tamil Nadu & Assam is being supported.

Rural Electrification: In an effort to make a significant impact on standard of living of remotely located village communities, EIL supports installation of LED solar public lighting system in 59 villages across 3 districts of Mizoram.

Environment Protection/Sustainability: As a step towards raising awareness in youth and local population about environmental degradation, EIL is supporting a social outreach program in Trans Himalayan Region of Leh-Ladakh. Another project under this initiative includes supporting construction & installation of environment friendly green cremation system in New Delhi.

Women Empowerment: Reinforcing social & economic empowerment of women, EIL supported distribution of sewing machines to underprivileged women for advanced cutting & tailoring course in New Delhi, distribution of prosthesis & medical bras to breast cancer survivors as post-operative care at various hospitals in Delhi/NCR and providing equipment for training of deaf women at New Delhi.

Another step in this direction is construction of office cum training centre and other infrastructural facilities for underprivileged women at Kakinada for imparting various skills and vocations.

Upliftment of underprivileged: Playing a supportive role in promoting persons with disabilities, EIL organized an assessment & distribution camp for distribution of assistive devices in New Delhi.

Three workshops, each in textile (Delhi), paper craft (Delhi) & cosmetics (Nainital) for product development through design & innovation and project for physically challenged persons in IT/ITES/ BPO sector through training and skill development programs were organized at Bengaluru.

For the cause and care of disadvantaged & abandoned senior citizens, EIL facilitated construction of one block of Old Age Home - 'Guru Vishram Vridh Ashram' at Lathira (UP), construction of Old Age Home at Mirzapur Distt (UP), distribution of 3440 number of Adult Diapers for old disabled persons in Vridh Ashram, Badarpur(Delhi) and installation of solar panels &water heater systems for old & infirm in New Delhi. Projects under execution are construction of first floor of Old Age Home for the Blind and installation of lift at Old Age Home for senior citizens in New Delhi.

Other initiatives undertaken by EIL for empowering the underprivileged include Construction of girls block and associated facilities to accommodate abandoned HIV/AIDS infected/affected women & girls at Kancheepuram District, renovation of sanitation facilities at educational institute for students from marginalized background in New Delhi and construction of vocational training centre at Chikkaballarpur to promote entrepreneurship & employability skills among rural youth.

Community Development: Lending a helping hand towards advancement of community, EIL facilitated development of Panchayat Hall and provision of water supply lines for the rural community of Padur.

To strengthen rural infrastructure for the local residents of various villages of Yanam (Puducherry), project for construction of RCC retaining wall/road side drains/Compound wall is under execution.

Vocational Training/Skill Centers: EIL is extending support towards employment oriented skill development training of youth at Bhopal and Faridabad in trades like Welding Technology, Graphic Designing etc and special placement-linked, skill development training in various trades like IT/ITES, Hospitality & Retail Supervisory, Garments sector, etc for youth in Manali and Siruseri area of Chennai in Tamil Nadu.

Projects for skill development and employment oriented training for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), SC/ST/OBC, Women and Economically Weaker Section of society in various trades across India near EIL's area of operation and for 40 candidates belonging to SC, ST, OBC and BPL category in Electrical Wireman trade in Bharuch, Gujarat are also under execution.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a transformational initiative launched by the Hon'ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi. Your Company has eagerly responded to the Hon'ble Prime Minister's clarion call for a Swachh Bharat and undertaken various activities during the year:

Swachh Vidyalaya Programme: To help provide the basic amenity of safe and clean toilets to a large segment of the Indian population esp. the women, EIL adopted 509 school toilets in the states of Bihar, Odisha, Tamil Nadu and Assam for construction and repair last year. Separate toilets were planned for girls and boys in schools, some of which are located in very remote areas. With active involvement of the local, state and central govt., tenders have been issued for a majority of jobs, construction of several toilets is in progress and many have achieved completion.

Shramdan: EIL officers have been participating enthusiastically in cleanliness drives that are organized on a regular basis in and around the Head Office, adjoining traffic islands and various site premises.

Awareness Campaigns/Social Media: Photographs, news items and articles on various activities relating to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan have been uploaded/published regularly on the Corporate Website, Intranet, Facebook, Twitter, Company Journals etc.

The Unaudited Financial Results of EIL for the Quarters ending Sept 30, 2014 and December 31, 2014 were designed on the theme of "Swachh Bharat".

To increase public awareness about the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan, an outdoor advertisement has been displayed at a bus queue shelter in Bhikaiji Cama Place which caters to the high volume traffic passing through the busy Ring road. A front-lit signage (60 ft x 30 ft) has also been installed on the front facade of El Annexe building.

Cleanliness and Sanitation: Inspection of toilets and floors in office premises is undertaken almost daily/weekly at all EIL offices. Detailed Reports are received from site In-charges via EIL's Field Personnel Cell (FPC) and Administration personnel at EIL HO/Gurgaon. Further, MCD has accorded approval to EIL for adopting areas in front of El Bhawan at Bhikaiji Cama Place for its upkeep and maintenance.

Waste to Fuel: EIL shall be adopting a heritage City in Northern India to set up a Waste to Fuel conversion facility as part of the cleanliness campaign, Swachh Bharat being undertaken under the aegis of MoP&NG.

In addition to the above CSR highlights, a report on CSR activities as per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 is annexed to this report.

Make in India

"Make in India" is a path-breaking initiative launched by the Hon'ble Prime Minister aimed at reviving and revitalizing the manufacturing sector in the country. As part of the "Make in India" campaign, EIL has been pursuing several initiatives:

• Identification of current imports in this sector.

• Focus on import substitution and policy initiatives as enablers.

• Vendor interaction to upgrade indigenous manufacturing technologies.

• Indigenization of equipment manufacturing to increase domestic content.

• Online empanelment of prospective vendors.

• Vendor enlistment through continuous interaction, assessment and evaluation.

• Continuous interaction with other organizations towards collaborative research.

• Local skill development initiative and enablers.

EIL is piloting the Midstream sectors for Make in India initiative under MoP&NG and is a member of the Steering Committee set up for the purpose. A Vendor Meet with all stakeholders was held in Mumbai for sensitizing the manufacturing sector to the policy initiative being contemplated.

Official Language

To propagate and enhance usage of Official Language in communication, various initiatives like facilitation of Regular Classes & Correspondence Courses for employees not conversant with Hindi, Hindi workshops and celebration of Hindi Fortnight were undertaken.

Initiatives were also taken in the field of IT to facilitate use of Hindi Language in official work by upgrading Hindi Software and installing Glossary on Company's Portal. The facility of Google translation, Mahashabdkosh of Home Ministry has also been provided on Personal Computers.

Rajbhasha Vibhag organized 'Hindi Kavita Path' competition for undertakings of Delhi under the aegis of Town Official Language Implementation Committee (TOLIC) and EIL was honored for organizing this programme.

Inspection of Official Language through TOLIC and Committee of Parliament on Official Language was conducted at the Head Office, New Delhi. Rajbhasha Vibhag also carried out regular inspections at its Division/ Departments and Regional/ Field/ Procurement offices during the year in accordance with the Official Language policy.

Awards and Accolades

• Conferment of SCOPE 'Navratna Trophy' by the Hon'ble President of India.

• India Today PSUs Award 2014 in the category of "Best Global Presence" to EIL.

• FICCI Chemical and Petrochemical Award 2014 in the categories of "Process Innovator of the Year-Petrochemicals" and "Sustainability Award for Best Green Process-Petrochemicals."

• PSE Excellence Award 2014 for Human Resource Management by Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Department of Public Enterprises (Govt, of India).

• "GEM OF INDIA" award to Ms. Veena Swarup, Director (HR) in the Human Resource Category in recognition of her outstanding accomplishments and individual excellence in her chosen field of activity by All India Achievers' Conference.

• Award for "Outstanding Contribution in Oil & Gas (EPC Category)" for PFCC Unit of MRPL Phase III Refinery Project by EPC World Media Pvt. Ltd.

• Asia Pacific HRM Congress Award 2014 in the category of "Organization with Innovative HR Practices."

• Engineering PSE of the year 2014 Award by PSE Journal & Enertia Foundation.

• "HR Leadership Award" by LOKMAT ASPIRE for leadership and outstanding contribution in the field of HR to Ms. Veena Swarup, Director (HR), EIL.

• SKOCH Platinum Award for Crude Oil Strategic Storage Projects.

• SKOCH Order-of-Merit for Human Resources.

• Energy and Environment Foundation Global HR Skill Development Award 2015.

• Outstanding National Citizen Award' by National Citizens Guild in recognition of her outstanding achievements in the chosen field of Activity to Ms. Veena Swarup, Director (HR), EIL.

• Golden Peacock Award for Corporate Governance for the year 2014 instituted by Institute of Directors (IOD).

• Bharat Jyoti Award to Ms. Veena Swarup, Director (HR) for Meritorious Services, Outstanding Performance and Remarkable Role.

• 7th CIDC Vishwakarma Award for 'Best Construction Projects' for Deen Dayal Field Development Project, OGT, Kakinada of GSPC.

• BT Star PSU Excellence Award 2014 in the category of 'Director Personnel for Outstanding Performance' to Ms. Veena Swarup, Director (HR), EIL.

• 7th CIDC Vishwakarma Award for 'Construction Health, Safety & Environment' for GAIL PC - II Expansion Project, Pata. EIL was also the recipient of CIDC Partners in Progress Trophy.

• Indian Achievers' Award to Ms. Veena Swarup, Director (HR) for Corporate Leadership in Human Resources for outstanding achievements in Business & Social Service.

Joint Ventures and Subsidiaries

• Joint Ventures

Ramagundam Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited (RFCL)

For setting up gas based urea plant of capacity 3850 TPD, EIL, National Fertilizer Limited (NFL) and Fertilizer Corporation of India (FCIL), have incorporated RFCL as a Joint Venture Company at Ramagundam in Karimnagar district of Telengana. NFL & EIL will each have 26% equity in JVC. EIL has been retained as Project Management Consultant for project execution on EPCM mode. The Project completion schedule to commission the plant is 36 months. NFL is a reputed player in the fertilizer sector and their expertise would be utilized for operating the plant as well as for marketing of the products. The plant is being built on the existing land of FCIL.

TEIL Projects Limited

TEIL Projects Ltd., the Joint Venture Company with Tata Projects Limited, is executing consultancy projects in Oil, Gas and Refinery sector and City Gas Distribution projects. TEIL is also endeavoring to enter into business related to Water Purification Plants.

Jabal EILIOT Company Limited

EIL's Joint Venture Company, Jabal EILIOT, has been pursuing prequalification with major Clients in Saudi Arabia like Saudi Aramco, SABIC etc. JVC could not secure significant EPC business in spite of concerted efforts. In view of the challenges imposed by the business environment, the shareholders recognized that it is impossible to realize the objective for which the JVC was incorporated and accordingly decided to dissolve and initiated the process of winding up of the JVC to arrest erosion of capital.

• Subsidiary Companies

Certification Engineers International Limited (CEIL)

CEIL, a wholly owned subsidiary of EIL, continued to provide Certification as well as Third Party Inspection (TPI) services to various clients. During the year, CEIL secured a number of assignments from ONGC, VMSS, SMC, GSPL, BPCL, various State Governments and others, notable among these being:

• ONGC- Certification Services for Mumbai High North Redevelopment Project (PLP), SBHT Pipeline Project.

• KRCL- Udhampura- Shrinagar-Baramaulla Rail Link (USB RL) Project.

• VMSS, RUDA & SMC- TPI for various infrastructure Projects.

• GSPL- TPI for various Pipeline Projects.

• Reliance Industries Ltd.

Apart from these, CEIL secured many Third Party Inspection assignments from clients like Reliance Industries, Heurtey Petrochem, TEDA, PunjLloyds, ERDMP & statutory audit assignments from GAIL, IOCL etc.

The Board of Directors of the Company has recommended for the financial year 2014-15, a final dividend of Rs.250/- per share (of face value of Rs.100/- each) in addition to Rs.200/- per share interim dividend already paid during the year. With this, the total dividend for the financial year 2014-15 works out to Rs.450/-per share. The payment of final dividend is, however, subject to approval of the shareholders in the ensuring Annual General Meeting of the Company.

EIL Asia Pacific Sdn.Bhd

EIL Asia Pacific Sdn. Bhd. (EILAP) was incorporated on February 21, 1994 under the Malaysian Companies Act, 1965. However due to local regulatory requirement in Malaysia, EILAP was not able to secure any business lately. Accordingly, with due approvals winding up activities of EILAP have been initiated.

As required under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, a statement on performance and financial position of each of the Subsidiaries and Joint Venture Companies is annexed to Consolidated Financial Statement and is not repeated as part of the Directors' Report to avoid duplication.

In accordance with the provisions of the Listing Agreement, the company has formulated a policy for determining Material Subsidiaries and the same has also been posted on the website of the company at <http://engineersindia.com/corporate->governance/m-160.

Corporate Governance

The Company is committed to good Corporate Governance as per the requirements of SEBI and DPE Guidelines in this regard. The Board of Directors supports the broad principles of Corporate Governance. In addition to the basic issues, EIL Board lays strong emphasis on transparency, accountability and integrity. As required under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement and DPE Guidelines on Corporate Governance, the Report on Corporate Governance, together with the Auditors' Certificate on compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance, along with the Management's Reply on the comments of Auditors is annexed to this report.

Number of Meetings of the Board

The Board met seven times during the financial year 2014-15, the details of which are given in the Corporate Governance Report annexed to this Report which forms part of the Annual Report. The intervening gap between any two meetings was within the period prescribed under Companies Act, 2013, Listing Agreement and DPE Guidelines on Corporate Governance. For further details regarding number of meetings of the Board and its committees, please refer Corporate Governance Report, annexed to this Report.

Composition of Audit Committee

The recommendations made by the Audit Committee during the year were accepted by the Board. The other details of Audit Committee like composition, terms of reference, meetings held are provided in the Corporate Governance Report annexed to this Report.

Declaration by Independent Directors

The Company has received necessary declaration from each independent director under Section 149(7) of the Companies Act, 2013, that he meets the criteria of independence laid down in Section 149(6) of the Companies Act, 2013, Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement and DPE Guidelines on Corporate Governance.

Training of Independent Directors

The Company has a well defined Training Policy for training of independent directors which inter-alia includes the various familiarisation programmes in respect of their roles, rights, responsibilities in the Company, nature of the industry in which the Company operates, business model of the company etc. Further, the same is also taken care during the various strategy meets of the Company and different presentations in the Board/Committee meetings on the statutory Laws. The details of such familiarisation programmes/Training Policy have also been posted on the website of the Company at <http://engineersindia.com/corporate->governance/m-160.

Directors and Key Managerial Personnel (KMP)

(i) Inductions

Shri Ashwani Soni was appointed as Additional Director in the capacity of Director (Projects) w.e.f. 1.09.2014 in terms of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India, letter no. C-31018/2/2012-CA/FTS:23053 dated 7.07.2014. Shri Sanjay Gupta, Director (Commercial) was appointed as Additional Director and Chairman & Managing Director in terms of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India, letter no. C-31018/2/2014-CA/FTS:30457 dated 8.05.2015. Further, Shri Sanjay Gupta, Chairman & Managing Director and Shri Ram Singh, Director (Finance) were also designated as CEO and CFO respectively to comply with the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 with respect to appointment of Key Managerial Personnel. Shri Sanjay Gupta, Chairman & Managing Director was entrusted with the additional charge of the Post of Director (Commercial) for a period of 3 months w.e.f. 1.06.2015 to 31.08.2015 or till the appointment of regular incumbent to the post or until further orders whichever is the earliest vide Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, Government of India, letter no. C-31018/3/2015-CA/FTS:38389 dated 25.06.2015.

(ii) Re-appointments

In accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company, Ms. Veena Swarup, Director (HR) (DIN: 06388817) and Shri Ajay N. Deshpande, Director (Technical) (DIN: 03435179) would retire by rotation, at the ensuing Annual General Meeting, and being eligible, offer themselves for reappointment.

In accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, Shri Ashwani Soni who was appointed as Additional Director in the capacity of Director (Projects) and Shri Sanjay Gupta who was appointed as Additional Director and Chairman & Managing Director after the date of last Directors' report, shall vacate their office at the ensuing Annual General Meeting. Necessary notices have been received from them under section 160 of the Companies Act, 2013, proposing their candidature for appointment. The same has also been given on the website of the Company at <http://engineersindia.com/corporate->governance/m-160. The Board recommends their appointment.

Brief resume of the Directors seeking appointment/ reappointment together with the nature of their expertise in specific functional areas, names of companies in which they hold directorships and the membership/chairmanship of Committees of the Board along with their shareholding in the Company etc. as stipulated under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, DPE Guidelines on Corporate Governance and other statutory provisions are given in the Annexure to Notice of 50th Annual General Meeting.

(iii) Retirements

After the date of last Directors' Report i.e. 21.07.2014, Shri Adit Jain, Dr. V. Vizia Saradhi and Shri D.R. Meena, Non-official (Part-time) Independent Directors ceased to be Directors of the Company w.e.f. 28.08.2014. Shri D. Moudgil, Director (Projects) ceased to be the Director of the Company w.e.f. 1.09.2014 due to his retirement on attaining the age of superannuation on 31.08.2014. Shri A.K. Purwaha, Chairman & Managing Director ceased to be the Chairman & Managing Director of the Company w.e.f. 1.06.2015 due to his retirement on attaining the age of superannuation on 31.05.2015. Shri Sanjay Gupta ceased to be Director (Commercial) consequent to his appointment as Chairman & Managing Director w.e.f. 1.06.2015. Shri Bijoy Chatterjee, Dr. R. K. Shevgaonkar and Dr. J.P. Gupta, Non-official (Part-time) Independent Directors ceased to be Directors of the Company w.e.f. 4.07.2015. The Board placed on record its sincere appreciation for the valuable services rendered and contributions made by Shri A.K. Purwaha, Chairman & Managing Director, Shri D. Moudgil, Director (Projects), Shri Adit Jain, Dr. V. Vizia Saradhi, Shri D.R. Meena, Shri Bijoy Chatterjee, Dr. R. K. Shevgaonkar and Dr. J.P. Gupta, Non-official (Part-time) Independent Directors of the Company.

Secretarial Auditor

M/s Agarwal S. & Associates, Practicing Company Secretaries, was appointed to conduct the Secretarial Audit of the Company for the financial year 2014-15, as required under Section 204 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rules thereunder. The Secretarial Audit Report for the financial year 2014-15 along with the Management's Reply on the comments of Secretarial Auditor is annexed to this Report.

Vigil Mechanism/Whistle Blower Policy

The Company has formed the Whistle Blower Policy/Vigil Mechanism and no personnel have been denied access to the Audit Committee. The same has also been given on the website of the Company at <http://engineersindia.com/corporate-governance/m-160>.

Transfer of Amounts to Investor Education and Protection Fund

A detailed disclosure regarding the same has been given in the Corporate Governance Report which is annexed to this Report. The same has also been given on the website of the Company at http:// engineersindia.com/corporate-governance/m-160.

Listing on Stock Exchanges

The Company is listed on The Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. and National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. The Company has paid Listing fees for the Financial Year 2014-15 to the above Stock Exchanges in time.

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

EIL is a Public Sector Undertaking (Government Company) and the appointment of Directors both Executive and Non-Executive are made by the Government of India and are being paid remuneration as per the terms of their appointment. The Company has Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the detailed disclosure in this regard has been given in the Corporate Governance Report which is annexed to this Report.

Performance Evaluation of the Board

EIL is a Public Sector Undertaking (Government Company) and the appointment of Directors both Executive and Non-Executive are made by the Government of India. Therefore, the company has not laid down any criteria for performance evaluation of the independent directors and the Board.

Particulars of Contracts or Arrangements made with Related Parties (RPTs)

In line with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing Agreement, the Company has formulated a Policy on materiality of Related Party Transactions and also on dealing with Related Party Transactions. The same has been posted on the website of the Company at <http://engineersindia.com/corporate->governance/m-160. The Company gives the disclosure regarding material transactions with related parties on quarterly basis along with the compliance report on Corporate Governance. During the year, there were no material RPTs. Further, suitable disclosure as required by the Accounting Standards (AS18) has been given in the Notes to the Financial Statements.

Details of Loans/Investments/Guarantees

In compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, the details of investments made and loans/guarantees provided as on 31.03.2015 are given in the respective Notes to the financial statements.

Extract of Annual Return

In accordance with Section 134(3)(a) of the Companies Act, 2013, an extract of the annual return in the prescribed form is annexed to this report.

Cost Auditors

The Company does not fall under the Cost Audit Rules and therefore, there is no requirement of cost audit for the Company in terms of amended Companies (Cost Records and Audit) Rules.

Conservation of Energy, Research and Development, Technology Absorption, Foreign Exchange Earnings and Outgo

As the Company's operations do not involve any manufacturing or processing activities, the particulars required under Section 134 (3) (m) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 8(3) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 regarding conservation of energy and technology absorption are not applicable. The particulars regarding expenditure and earnings in foreign exchange are given in Note no. 2.25 of the financial statement.

Significant and Material Orders

There are no significant and material orders passed by the regulators or courts or tribunals impacting the going concern status and Company's operations in future.

Other Disclosures

No disclosure or reporting is required in respect of the following items as either these were not applicable or there were no transactions on these items during the financial year 2014-15:-

i. Details relating to deposits covered under Chapter V of the Act.

ii. Issue of equity shares with differential rights as to dividend, voting or otherwise.

iii. Issue of shares (including sweat equity shares) to employees of the Company under any scheme.

iv. Details regarding receipt of remuneration or commission by the Managing Director or the Whole-time Director from any of its subsidiaries.

v. Buy-back of shares.

vi. Issue of Bonus shares.

Further, the names of Companies which have become or ceased to be its subsidiaries, joint ventures or associate companies during the year are NIL.

During the financial year 2014-15, there were no cases filed pursuant to the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.

Code of Conduct

EIL has formulated a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for Board of Directors and Senior Management Personnel. The confirmation of compliance of the same is obtained from all concerned on annual basis. All Board Members and Senior Management Personnel have given their confirmation of compliance for the year under review. A declaration duly signed by C&MD is given under para 2(e) of the Report on Corporate Governance annexed to this Report. The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for Board of Directors and Senior Management Personnel are given on the website of the Company at <http://engineersindia.com/corporate-governance/m-160>.

Right to Information

Under the provisions of section 4 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 every public authority is required to display necessary information to citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authority in order to promote transparency and accountability in its working and functioning.

EIL, being a responsible public sector undertaking, has displayed essential information on its website under the head RTI. The management has notified CPIO and the First Appellate Authority (FAA) in compliance with the requirements of the RTI Act. Between April 01, 2014 and March 31, 2015, a total of 181(one hundred eighty one) applications were received by the Company and all of them were disposed off by providing requisite information as per rules. Apart from RTI applications, the Company also received appeals against the decision of CPIO, which too were duly attended to and appropriately disposed off by the First Appellate Authority. It is heartening to note that Central Information Commission has not passed any adverse order against the CPIO/FAA.

Directors' Responsibility Statement

Your Directors state that:

a) in the preparation of the annual accounts for the year ended March 31, 2015, the applicable accounting standards read with requirements set out under Schedule III to the Companies Act, have been followed and there are no material departures from the same;

b) the Directors have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at March 31, 2015 and of the profit of the Company for the year ended on that date;

c) the Directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities;

d) the Directors have prepared the annual accounts on a 'going concern' basis;

e) the Directors have laid down internal financial controls to be followed by the Company and that such internal financial controls are adequate and are operating effectively; and

f) the Directors have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems are adequate and operating effectively.


M. Verma & Associates, Chartered Accountants were appointed as Auditors of the Company for the financial year 2014-15 by the Office of Comptroller & Auditor General of India.


Bankers of the Company include State Bank of India, Indian Overseas Bank, State Bank of Travancore, Vijaya Bank, Corporation Bank, Bank of Baroda, Punjab National Bank, Union Bank of India, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Indian Bank, Bank of India, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Canara Bank, IDBI Bank, Axis Bank, Induslnd Bank and Citi Bank.

Particulars of Employees

As per the provisions of Section 197 of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder, Government Companies are exempted from inclusion of the statement of particulars of employees. The information has, therefore, not been included as part of the Directors' Report. However, the same information is open for inspection at the registered office of the Company on all working days between 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. prior to the Annual General Meeting.


Your Directors are grateful for all the help, guidance and support received from Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas and from other Ministries of the Government of India. Your Directors are also grateful to the Bankers, Statutory Auditors, Comptroller & Auditor General of India and the investors for their continued patronage and confidence in the Company.

Your Directors thank all our esteemed clients for the faith and trust reposed in the Company. With continuous learning, skill upgradation, technology development, we will continue to provide world-class professionalism and services to our clients.

Your Directors thank all associates, vendors and contractors within the country and abroad, for their continued support without which EIL could not have achieved the desired results. Your Directors are grateful to all the Foreign Missions in India and Indian Missions abroad in countries where EIL has business operations for their continued help and support.

Your Directors wish to convey their appreciation to all employees for the valuable services and cooperation extended by them and are confident that they will continue to contribute their best towards achieving still better performance in future.

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

Sanjay Gupta  

Chairman & Managing Director

Place : New Delhi

Date : July 9, 2015