Disclosure in board of directors report explanatoryDear Shareholders,YourDirectorshavepleasureinpresentingtheSixtySecondAnnualReportonthebusinessandoperationsoftheCompany and the audited financial accounts for the year ended 31stMarch, 2017. FINANCIALPERFORMANCE(`in Lakhs)Particulars | 2016-17 | 2015-16 | Sales | 98,515 | 136,478 | Profit / (Loss) before exceptional items, Depreciation, Interest and Tax | 8,013 | 11,104 | Exceptional Items | 1,026 | - | Profit / (Loss) before Depreciation, Interest and Tax | 6,987 | 11,104 | Finance costs | 7,956 | 8,323 | Profit / (Loss) after Interest but before Depreciation and Tax | (969) | 2,781 | Depreciation andAmortization | 4,978 | 4,344 | Profit / (Loss) Before Tax | (5,947) | (1,563) | Taxes (Income) / Expense | (1,452) | (434) | Profit / (Loss) After Tax | (4,495) | (1,129) |
Division wise SalesTurnover
(`in Lakhs)
Divisions | 2016-17 | 2015-16 | Sugar | 49,862 | 79,478 | Cogeneration | 2,579 | 5,645 | Chemicals | 34,788 | 37,816 | Distillery | 11,286 | 13,539 | Total | 98,515 | 136,478 |
OPERATING HIGHLIGHTSOnaStandalonebasis,yourCompanyhaveachievedSalesTurnoverof` 98,515 Lac for the financial year 2016-17ascomparedtotheSalesTurnoverof`136,478Lacsinthepreviousyear.ThedropintheSalesturnoverismajorly on account of reduction in sugarcane crushing and recovery which resulted into low sugar and ethanol sales and lower power exports and prices. This was further accentuated due to Government of India's measures like sugar stock limits ontradersandsugarmills,demonetizationanddumpingofsurplussugarproducedbyUP millsinthemarketwhich affected our Sugar sales volume during FY2016-17.Duringtheyearunderreview,yourcompanyreportedLossof`4,495Lacsasagainstlossof`1,129LacsinFY2015-16. On a consolidated basis, the turnover is`1,00,634 Lacs and the loss after tax is`4,824 Lacs.DIVIDENDIn view of loss incurred during the year, your Directors regret their inability to recommend any dividend for FY2016-17.
DIRECTORS'RESPONSIBILITYSTATEMENTYour Directors'state that:a) In the preparation of the annual financial statement for the year ended 31st March, 2017 the applicationaccounting standards have been followed with no material departures;b) Haveselectedsuchaccountingpoliciesandappliedthemconsistentlyandmadejudgmentsandestimatesthat arereasonableandprudentsoastogiveatrueandfairviewofthestateofaffairsoftheCompanyasat31stMarch, 2017 and of the profit and loss of the company for that period;c) Proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisionsoftheCompanies Act,2013forsafeguardingtheassetsoftheCompanyandforpreventingand detecting fraud and other irregularities;d) The annual financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis;e) Proper internal financial controls were in place and that the financial controls were adequate and were operating effectively.INDUSTRYOUTLOOK - SUGAR: (A) Sugar Production In India:SugarproductioninIndiaduringseason2016-17isestimatedtobe203LacMTi.e.,19%lowercomparedwithprevious year(251LacMT)duetodroughtsituationinthestatesofMaharashtra,Karnataka,Tamilnadu, AndhraPradesh (Seemandhra)andTelangana. Thisproductionisthelowestinthelast7years. Thesugarcaneproductioninthedrought affected states was substantially lower by about 40-50% than the last year.
(In Lac tons)
2015-16 2016-17Maharashtra 84.10 42.01Karnataka 40.29 20.51Uttar Pradesh 68.40 87.73All India basis 248.23 203.00Source: Indian Sugar MillsAssociation (ISMA)StateofUPwhichnormallyproducesabout65LacMTsofSugarhasproducedabout87.73LacMTsofsugarin the Current season. Sugar production in Karnataka State, (wherein our Sameerwadi sugar factory is located) and MaharashtraStatehasrecordedalmost50%reductioninsugarproductioncomparedtolastyear. Inviewofthefall inallIndiasugarproduction,thesugarbalancesheetfortheseasonwouldshowstockofabout43LacMTsason30th September, 2017 as against 77 Lac MTs as on 30th September, 2016.
Indian Sugar Production, Supply and Distribution (Figure in Lac MT)
(in Lac tons)
Sugar Balance Sheet for Sugar Season | 2015-16(P) | 2016-17 (E) | Opening Stock as on 1st Oct | 90.80 | 77.50 | Production during the Season | 251.25 | 203.30 | Imports | 0 | 5.0 | TotalAvailability | 342.05 | 285.80 | Off-take |
| i) Internal Consumption | 248.49 | 242.00-244.00 | ii) Exports | 16.56 | 0.50 | Total offtake | 265.05 | 242.50 - 244.50 | Closing Stock as on 30th Sept. | 77.00 | 41.30 - 43.30 |
Source: Indian Sugar MillsAssociation (ISMA) (P) - Provisional and (E) - Estimated(B) Sugarcane production in KarnatakaThetotalsugarcaneacreageinthecountryin2016-17camedowntolessthan50lachectares-reductionof5.5%over the previous season.State of Karnataka is facing double-like situation due to the deficiency in monsoon rains reason from 2015 onwards. This has severely affected the plantation of the sugarcane, yield of sugarcane per hectare and the sugar content in sugarcane. TheareaundersugarcaneplantationinKarnatakadeclinedfrom5.10lachectaresin2015-16to4.15lac hectares during 2016-17.ThesugarproductioninKarnatakahas,duetothereasonsmentionedabove,comedownto20.51LacMTsagainst40.29LacMTsoflastyear.Duetothelowercaneavailability,mostofthesugarmillsintheStateofKarnatakaoperated forlessthan90days.Duetothis,thecapacityutilisationofmostofthemillsintheStatewasbelow50%whichresulted in the steep increase in the cost of production of sugar.Sugarcane Pricing:Sugarcane price for the season 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16:South Indian Sugar Mills association, Karnataka, on behalf of its Members, including our Compnay, had filed an appeal before the Supreme Court against the coercive steps taken by the Karnataka State Government for recovery of the disputed sugarcane price, fixed by the Karnataka Sugarcane Control Board, for the season 2013-14. Hon'ble Supreme Courtgrantedstayinthematteragainsttherecoveryofthepaymentofthebalancecanebill(whichwas`100/MToutof the cane price of`2,500/MT) and coercive action by the Government till the matter is decided by the Court.Meanwhile,KarnatakaGovernmentofferedtowaiveoffsugarcanepurchasetaxfortheseasons2016-17and2017-18to thosemillswhocompletethefollowingcanepayments,includingthedisputedpaymentagainstseason2013-14,before