Disclosure in board of directors report explanatory THE YAMUNA SYNDICATE LIMITEDRegistered Office : Radaur Road, Yamunanagar – 135 001.CIN : L24101HR1954PLC001837, Website : yamunasyndicate.com, E-mail : yslynr12@rediffmail.comPhone : 01732-255479. Fax : 01732-251802 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the 60th Annual General Meeting of the Members of The Yamuna Syndicate Limited will be held on Monday, August 04, 2014 at 12 :30 P.M. at the office premises of Saraswati Sugar Mills Ltd., Radaur Road, Yamunanagar (Haryana) (opposite Registered Office of the Company), to transact the following business: - As Ordinary Business: 1. To receive, consider and adopt the audited Accounts and Reports of the Directors and Auditors for the financial year ended March 31, 2014. 2. To declare dividend on Equity Shares for the year ended March 31, 2014. 3. To appoint a Director in place of Mr. Aditya Puri (DIN: 00052534), who retires by rotation and is eligible for re-appointment. 4. To appoint Auditors and to fix their remuneration. As Special Business: To consider and if thought fit, to pass with or without modification(s) the following resolutions:- As Ordinary Resolution: 5. To re-appoint Mr. Manmohan Singh (DIN: 00412829) as an Independent Director : “RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 149, 150, 152 and any other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, and the rules made thereunder (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force) read with Schedule IV to the Companies Act, 2013, Mr. Manmohan Singh (DIN: 00412829), Director of the Company who retires by rotation at Annual General Meeting, be and is hereby appointed as an Independent Director of the Company to hold office for a term of two years upto March 31, 2016.” 6. To appoint Mr. Vinod K. Nagpal (DIN: 00147777) as an Independent Director: “RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 149, 150, 152 and any other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, and the rules made thereunder (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force) read with Schedule IV to the Companies Act, 2013, Mr. Vinod K. Nagpal (DIN: 00147777), Director of the Company whose period of office is liable to determination by retirement of directors by rotation and in respect of whom the Company has received a notice in writing from a member proposing his candidature for the office of Director, be and is hereby appointed as an Independent Director of the Company to hold office for a term of two years upto March 31, 2016.” Cont..2..
::2:: 7. To appoint Mr. D.D. Sharma (DIN: 00269699) as an Independent Director : “RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 149, 150, 152 and any other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, and the rules made thereunder (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force) read with Schedule IV to the Companies Act, 2013, Mr. D.D. Sharma (DIN: 00269699), Director of the Company whose period of office is liable to determination by retirement of directors by rotation and in respect of whom the Company has received a notice in writing from a member proposing his candidature for the office of Director, be and is hereby appointed as an Independent Director of the Company to hold office for a term of two years upto March 31, 2016.” As Special Resolution: 8. Payment of Remuneration by way of Commission to Non Executive Directors of the Company: “RESOLVED AS SPECIAL RESOLUTION THAT pursuant to Section 197 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, the non-executive Directors shall, with effect from April 01, 2014, be collectively paid commission at the rate of 1% of the net profits of the Company computed in the manner referred to in Section 198 of the Companies Act, 2013, which shall be shared by each such Director equally; Provided that if any such Director has held that office for a shorter period in any relevant year, he shall be paid share proportionately for that period; Provided further that if in any relevant financial year, the amount of such commission exceeds Rs. 5,000/- per annum for each such Director, then each such Director shall be paid Rs. 5,000/- per annum instead of the amount determined on the basis of 1% of the net profits; Provided further that if the amount available as Directors’ remuneration in accordance with the provisions of Section 198 of the Companies Act, 2013, is smaller than any of the amounts mentioned heretofore, then such Directors shall be entitled to that lesser amount to be shared on the above stipulated basis.” By Order of the Board of Directors For The Yamuna Syndicate Limited sd/- Place : Yamunanagar- 135 001, Haryana (Ashish Kumar)Dated : July 08, 2014 Company Secretary
NOTES: 1. Proxy: A member entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his/ her stead and aproxy need not be a member of the Company. Proxy, in order to be effective, must be received by the Company not less than 48 hours before the scheduled time of the meeting. A blank proxy form is annexed to the Annual Report. 2. Corporate shareholders and other incorporated bodies shareholders inter alia Trust, HUF, etc. intending to send their authorised representative to attend the meeting are requested to bring along with them, a certified true copy of resolution of the board of directors or committee thereof/power of attorney, authorizing such person to attend and vote on its behalf at the meeting.